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雙面膠帶系列- 3M官方旗艦店在3M官方旗艦店有很多雙面膠帶系列商品可以挑選,快來選購吧!! ... 分類. 雙面膠帶 系列. 排序. 最多人看. 共21 件商品. 3M Scotch 超強力VHB雙面膠帶-透明 ... | 3M 膠帶 - 3M 台灣Strips or rolls of carrier material coated with single or double-sided adhesive flanked sometimes by removable liners. Tapes are used to attach or arrange ... | 圖片全部顯示通氣膠帶系列- 3M官方旗艦店分類. 通氣膠帶系列. 排序. 最多人看. 共8 件商品. 3M Nexcare 膚色通氣膠帶-17003- 一吋-2捲. NT$139. NT$89. 3M Nexcare 白色通氣膠帶-17001-一吋-2捲. NT$99. | 3M 醫用膠帶與薄膜 - 3M 台灣Tapes and films used in the medical field both on patients in clinical settings as well as in the manufacture of medical devices. Medical tapes are strips or rolls of  ... | 3M VHB膠帶 - 3M 台灣Double sided tapes with an acrylic foam backing/carrier and are marketed under the label VHB or Very High Bond. The strength of the adhesion allows the ... | 3M-VHB LSE系列雙面膠帶| 3M台灣VHB膠帶可減少螺絲、鉚釘用量與銲接和機械扣件組裝方式。

採用壓克力泡棉結構,耐衝擊性及防水性加,短時間內即可達到接著強度並具備黏著與密封效果,VHB  ... 種類? 3M 膠帶用於重工業 - 3M 台灣Strips or rolls of carrier material coated with single or double-sided adhesive flanked sometimes by removable liners. Tapes are used to attach or arrange ... 種類? 膠帶規格-2021-04-19 | 輕鬆健身去膠帶規格相關資訊,地球膠帶GL-AS系列處理過的塑料保持其透明性和物理性。

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