Getting Things Done

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關於「Getting Things Done」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:

儘管去做- 維基百科,自由的百科全書Getting Things Done (GTD) ,或譯儘管去做,是由David Allen 開發並發表在同名書中的個人生產力系統。

在該著作中, 作者將該概念描述為時間管理系統,並指出若與一個 ...圖片全部顯示David Allen — The Art of Getting Things Done (GTD) (#384)2019年9月3日 · Facebook · Twitter · Email · Reddit · Print. Join 1.5M+ subscribers and receive exclusive ...Getting Things Done: “Collect” - Experience Life MagazineWith this in mind, Allen created Getting Things Done (GTD), an acclaimed organizational system that helps people collect, process and organize the details of ...Getting Things Done (@gtdtimes) / TwitterGetting Things Done® (GTD®) is David Allen's proven path for getting in control of your world and maintaining perspective in your life. | Consider Trying a Stripped-Down Version of Getting Things Done |2017年9月29日 · Getting Things Done—GTD to most of its fans—is a productivity method designed to keep you both focused and relaxed by teaching you how to ...CEO's Guide to Getting Things Done: Lower your stress & increase ...Author David Allen outlines the Getting Things Done (GTD) system, ... Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Square and Twitter, uses a different method to segment his ...Getting Things Done: Step 2/3 - Processing & Organizing - CBS News2011年6月2日 · This article is part three of a seven part series on Getting Things Done® (GTD®) -- the time and productivity management system by David Allen ...Understanding Language ChangeThey occur either at the beginning of words (e.g. tw-, gl-, fl-) or in their rhymes ... Words with the -odge rhyme denote something solid, bulky or lumpy, ...Google Apps Meets Common CoreOver time, things will get easier. ... Follow tech gurus on Twitter, Google Plus, Facebook, and Pinterest (social media—the secret weapon when learning new ...
