osmotic demyelination syndrome中文
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滲透性去髓鞘症候群(osmotic demyelination syndrome)的特徵是腦部區域性去髓鞘,特別易發生於橋腦。
國家圖書館期刊文獻資訊網中文期刊篇目系統:摘要readopac2.ncl.edu.tw › nclserialFront › search › summny_list關於精選摘要[藥學筆記]低血鈉治療導致滲透壓去髓鞘症候群(ODS) @ 少年維特藥師 ...2020年1月13日 · 滲透性去髓鞘症候群(Osmotic demyelination syndrome,以下簡稱ODS)是一種不可逆臨床上的急症,可能導致腦部受損影響正常生理功能。
Osmotic demyelination syndrome (ODS) - Tiny Notes2016年12月18日 · ... 來做預防;但同時,如果我們補充鈉離子太快,就會導致嚴重的髓鞘脫去( osmotic demyelination syndrome),進一步造成許多的神經學症狀!Complete recovery of chronic Osmotic Demyelination Syndrome ...2018年3月8日 · Keywords: Hyponatremia; Osmotic demyelination syndrome; Plasma ... https:// goo.gl/PKiHd9; Yamada H, Takano K, Ayuzawa N, Seki G, Fujita ...What is the clinical course of patients with osmotic demyelination ...The disorder can resolve completely or result in permanent disability or death. This typical clinical course has been called the osmotic demyelination syndrome ...Osmotic demyelination syndrome. Case report and reviewOsmotic demyelination syndrome. Case report and review. Núñez CEE, Ramírez RA, Moreno GL. Full text How to cite this article. Language: SpanishLesson of the week: Osmotic demyelination syndrome - NCBI - NIH2005年6月8日 · Osmotic demyelination syndrome is a well recognised complication of ... Liamis GL, Milionis HJ, Rizos EC, Siamopoulos KC, Elisaf MS.Osmotic Demyelination: From an Oligodendrocyte to an Astrocyte ...2019年3月5日 · Osmotic demyelination syndrome (ODS) is a disorder of the central ... Osmotic demyelination syndrome encompasses a broad ... Nagy J.I., Patel D., Ochalski P.A., Stelmack G.L. Connexin30 in ... Facebook · Share on Twitter ...Dr Jenny Hoang on Twitter: "Pons Monday: #Neurorad, what is this ...2018年10月8日 · Misdiagnosed initially as osmotic demyelination syndrome. FLAIR and C+ images. Florid example of one of @frankgaillard's fav diagnoses.Frank Gaillard on Twitter: "Nice!… "2018年10月8日 · Misdiagnosed initially as osmotic demyelination syndrome. FLAIR and C+ images. Florid example of one of @frankgaillard's fav diagnoses.
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【Electrolyte disorder】. 高雄長庚紀念醫院腎臟 ... pontine myelinolysis. (osmotic demyelination syndrome) ......
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过快纠正相关的神经系统表现称为渗透性脱髓鞘综合征(osmotic demyelination syndrome, ODS),旧称中央桥脑髓鞘溶解症(central pontine ...
- 3Osmotic demyelination syndrome (ODS) - Tiny Notes
osmotic demyelination syndrome),進一步造成許多的神經學症狀!
- 4國家圖書館期刊文獻資訊網中文期刊篇目系統:摘要
中文摘要, 滲透性去髓鞘症候群(osmotic demyelination syndrome)的特徵是腦部區域性去髓鞘,特別易發生於橋腦。此去髓鞘病變常見於伴隨電解質不平衡之 ...
- 5救命!我的大腦縮水了:談滲透壓去髓鞘症候群- PanSci 泛科學
Natrilix 的中文名稱十分傳神,叫做鈉催離。) ... (2016). Osmotic demyelination syndrome (ODS) and overly rapid corr...