roving eye中文
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have a roving eye 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯 - Cambridge ...4 天前 · have a roving eye翻譯:色迷迷;總找機會尋花問柳。
HAVE A ROVING EYE在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯 - Cambridge ...have a roving eye的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. If you say that someone has a roving eye, you mean that they are always sexually interested in…。
Eye Movements in Coma • LITFL • CCC Neurology2020年11月3日 · A simplified approach to spontaneous eye movements in coma. ... roving eye movements — metabolic/ toxic encephalopathy most likely, or although they can also occur with bilateral ... On Twitter, he is @precordialthump.Roving Eye Movements - NCBI - NIH2018年10月15日 · The eye movement observed in Video 1 is not rotary nystagmus, rather it is from the patient watching the ceiling fan as documented in the ...Roving eye movements in a patient with hypoglycemic coma2015年2月28日 · Roving eye movements are slow, conjugate, lateral, and to-and-fro excursions, generally seen in normal sleep and in comatose patients with ...roving - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果adj. 遊牧的; 流竄的 to have a roving eye 時刻找機會尋花問柳. 牛津中文字典 ...A roving eye 释义| 柯林斯英语词典 - Collins DictionaryA roving eye 释义: If you say that someone has a roving eye , you are criticizing them for continually... | 意思、发音、翻译及示例.Cancelo #rosehanbury no TwitterMira chíos sobre #rosehanbury no Twitter. Mira o que a xente está a dicir e ... Inserir chío. Even Bill's first serious romance worried about his 'roving eye' ...Hottie Experts (@BarristerHottie) | TwitterHottie Experts added,. The Londoner's Diary @Londoners_Diary. Tate Modern show and the return of a roving eye ...Rescuer – A Women Safety App - Google Play 應用程式Lonely walks back home on the night streets, drunkards for lonely company on the last train home, stalkers on the trail or that roving eye looking for the ...
- 1metabolic encephalopathy - 代謝性腦病變
- 2博客來-Metabolic Encephalopathy
書名:Metabolic Encephalopathy,語言:英文,ISBN:9781441927125,頁數:601,作者:Mccandless, David W. (EDT),出版日期:20...
- 3metabolic encephalopathy中文,metabolic encephalopathy是 ...
metabolic encephalopathy中文《英文msh詞典》Metabolic Encephalopathy …,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋metabolic encephalopa...
- 4腦神經疾病的預防保養與早期治療- 佬佬的部落格- udn部落格
(9) 代謝性腦病變(metabolic encephalopathy):各種毒性物質無法經由肝臟去除毒性或經由腎臟排除,進入全身的循環,造成中樞神經系統 ...
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Vaccination encephalitis)所造成之腦病變. [1,2]。儘管在病理 ... (metabolic encephalopathy):如低血糖、 應仔細詢問病史,一旦懷疑有器...