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悔不當初英文,悔不當初的英語翻譯,悔不當初英文怎麽說,英文解釋例句 ...早知今日,悔不當初" 英文翻譯: If I had only known beforehand what will happen today I would have repented before this.If I'd known then what was going to ...悔不當初翻譯成英文,悔不當初的英語,中翻英-xyz線上翻譯有道翻譯. 0. If only 辭典解釋 regret having done sth. regret a previous mistake 網絡釋義悔不當初- Being Wrong,I really regret it,Coulda Been a Contender. 0 ...悔不当初的英文_悔不当初翻译_悔不当初英语怎么说_海词词典海词词典,最权威的学习词典,专业出版悔不当初的英文,悔不当初翻译, 悔不当初英语怎么说等详细讲解。
悔不當初的英文翻譯,悔不當初英文怎麼說,悔不當初的英文例句 ...悔不當初英文翻譯: 悔不當初[huǐ bùdāng chū] to regret one's past deeds ..., 學習悔不當初發音, 悔不當初例句盡在WebSaru字典。
戒掉爛英文|商周 - 商業周刊2016年12月6日 · This is the most heavily trafficked road in Taiwan.(這是台灣交通最 ... 2017我的英語年,一年一度極優惠:https://goo.gl/JZBNas ... 戒掉爛英文.戒掉爛英文|商周 - 商業周刊戒掉爛英文 2016.07.03 94,557. 2016/07/03 23:31:57. Debbie在美式餐廳打工 ... 三個月英文脫胎換骨的一對一:http://goo.gl/5eIOmf. 作者簡介_世界公民文化中心.看中文學英文成語悔不當初Rue the day... - 道地學英文Learning ...2019年3月8日 · 看中文學英文成語悔不當初Rue the day 例:他曾經為了生活而淪為盜賊,每次想起這件事就悔不當初。
He was reduced to becoming burglar to ...GoogleSearch the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking ...悔不当初英语怎么说_悔不当初英文翻译_汉程汉英词典 - 汉程翻译hui bu dang chu; 1.to regret having done sth.; to regret that things haven't been done the other way. 相关词语. 汉语词典. 悔不当初[hui bu dang chu]. 后悔当初不该 ...悔不當初是什麼意思,悔不當初的解釋,造句,成語故事,英文翻譯 - 字典悔不當初 [huǐ bù dāng chū]. [悔不當初]成語解釋. 悔 ...