po文清單文章推薦指數: 80 %
- 1Novolac Phenolic Resin - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Novolac phenolic resins are prepolymerized with an excess of phenol in the presence of an acid ca...
- 2環氧樹脂與不同Novolac樹脂混合製備聚摻合樹脂之性質
【Key words】Epoxy resin, Hexamine, Novolac resins, Polyblended resins, Triphenylphosphine. 一、前言. 雙...
- 3環氧樹脂/Novolac摻合樹脂之反應性及硬化樹脂之性質
Reactivity of Epoxy/Novolac Blended Resins and the Properties of Cured Resins ... 三種Novolac型PF樹脂,...
- 4Novolak - Wikipedia
- 5novolac 中文- 酚醛樹脂清漆 - 查查在線詞典
例句與用法. Study on bromo - epoxy resin cured by novolac resins 酚類固化劑固化體系的研究; Adsorption and decolour...