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Japanese Meaning of 熱心, ねっしん, nesshin | Nihongo MasterDefinition of 熱心,ねっしん. adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives (keiyodoshi), noun (common) (futsuumeishi). zeal; enthusiasm ...Meaning of 熱心 in Japanese | RomajiDesu Japanese dictionaryサムは仕事熱心だ。

Sam is earnest about his work. Words related to 熱心.Chinese Word: 热心- Talking Chinese English DictionaryI gathered from the way she replied that she wasn't very enthusiastic. tā. 她. hěn. 很. rè xīn. 热心. ,. wèi. 为. wǒ. 我. dǎ diàn huà. 打电话. jiào. 叫. le. 了. jì chéng ...【背包客最愛】caregiver意思- 加拿大打工度假攻略-20200805Caregiver翻譯成中文,Caregiver的中文意思,英翻中-xyz線上翻譯https://tw.xyzdict. com › english-chinese › Caregiver每天唱簡單的歌曲,讀書或與寶寶交談。

【問題】on board意思- 加拿大打工度假攻略-20200825三個月英文脫胎換骨的一對一:http://goo.gl/5eIOmf ...on board = 開始上班?台灣人常用的職場英文,是正確的嗎? | 經理人www.managertoday.com.tw › english ...Japanese Word Image for the Word Enthusiasm | Japanese Word ...2014年12月9日 · (The Kanji “狂” has meaning of “Crazy” so the word “熱狂” means “Wild ... 熱心 means Enthusiasm ... 情熱 means Passion or Enthusiasm ...Japanese Word Images for the word Zeal - Japanese Words Writing2018年1月14日 · 熱心 means Zeal. Here are some Japanese word images for the word “Zeal”. In Japan we use the words “熱心(ねっしん-nesshin)” or “熱中( ...热心in English - What is the meaning of 热心- Translation ...热心 Add to My Vocabulary. PinYin rè xīn Simplified 热心 Traditional 熱心. enthusiasm; zeal; zealous; zest; enthusiastic; ardent; warmhearted. Chinese meanings.热心快肠- Definition and synonyms of 热心快肠in the Chinese ...Meaning of 热心快肠in the Chinese dictionary with examples of use. Synonyms for 热心快肠and translation of 热心快肠to 25 languages.熱中子- English translation – LingueeIn the front area the hallmark GL upright radiator grille with its central star and the clear, ... 資助人要花一個多少時,步行往其中一條村–石板村,得到村民熱情的款待,和孩子熱心的「扶持」,全部人行畢全程,能近距離接觸 ... keithley.com.tw.
