
文章推薦指數: 80 %


What does "yellow face wife" (黄脸婆) mean? - Chinese Language ...I guess the term you mentioned, yellow wife, is referred to "黃臉婆" (yellow-face wife). "黃臉婆" describes a woman who has married for a long time. The (face) ...黃臉婆- English translation – LingueeMany translated example sentences containing "黃臉婆" – English-Chinese dictionary and search engine for English translations. ... 這種“黃婆賣瓜,自賣自誇”的態度,完全脫離社會脈搏,與普羅市民的切身感受南轅北轍。

... flashghetto.tw.黃臉婆的英文是什麼呀? | Yahoo奇摩知識+ball and chain. 1 囚犯腳鏈. 2 沉重的約束. 3 ((俚))黃臉婆. 0 0. 還有問題?馬上發問,尋求解答。

發問問題. +100. 加入Yahoo奇摩知識+,馬上獲得100 點。

加入 ...Chinese Word: 黄脸婆- Talking Chinese English DictionaryEnglish explanation of 黄脸婆, with mandarin pronunciation, traditional variants, character structure information, stroke order animation, stroke order image and ...黃臉婆中的英文-中文-英文字典|格洛斯贝 - Glosbe检查“ 黃臉婆”到英文的翻译。


黄脸婆 : faded old woman... : huáng liǎn pó | Definition | Mandarin ...黄脸婆 definition at Chinese.Yabla.com, a free online dictionary with English, Mandarin Chinese, Pinyin, Strokes & Audio. Look it up now!讓你變醜的7種食物- 康健雜誌2014年11月11日 · 英文有句俗諺”You are what you eat.”(人如其食), ... 沒錯,紅色蔬果營養價值高,但短時間內吃過量或長期吃太多恐怕會變黃臉婆。

臺北長庚 ...黃臉婆- Wiktionarymore ▽. Mandarin. (Pinyin): huángliǎnpó: (Zhuyin): ㄏㄨㄤˊ ㄌㄧㄢˇ ㄆㄛˊ. Cantonese (Jyutping): wong4 lim5 po4. Mandarin. (Standard Chinese).揮別黃臉婆!原來讓肌膚老化的殺手就是「糖」 TVBS新聞網2017年8月4日 · 流失多少的膠原蛋白,就等於歲月洪流捲走了多少的青春,青春消逝、肌膚暗黃, 成了名副其實的「黃臉婆」。

... 研究開發部野口雅彥表示,肌膚蠟黃的黃臉婆其實就是肌底膠原蛋白醣化下的產物,在 ... 了解更多夏日保養秘訣:https://goo.gl/ 7hh4hn ... 獨家/蔡英文剛走藍委爆:蘇揆開罵「為什麼要我送總統!黄脸婆- huáng liǎn pó - Chinese character definition, English ...See the Chinese word for faded old woman, its pinyin huáng liǎn pó, meaning, example sentences for 黄脸婆, its traditional form 黃臉婆, its character ...
