Article Paragraph Subparagraph
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關於「Article Paragraph Subparagraph」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:
2. Structure of a legal act – 2.7. Subdivisions of acts2021年6月1日 · in Article 2(1) (refers to a numbered paragraph in a different article). Subparagraph (), in the first, second, third subparagraph twArticle 52 - ESMAArticle 52 · 1. A UCITS shall invest no more than: · 2. Member States may raise the 5 % limit laid down in the first subparagraph of paragraph 1 to a maximum of ...Chapter - Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of ChinaAnyone who engages in employment services businesses without permit therefore and in violation of Subparagraphs 2, 7 to 9 or 18 Paragraph 1 of Article 40 shall ...Chapter - Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of ChinaThe business (or industries) designated by the Central Competent Authority referred to in Subparagraph 8 of Paragraph 1 of Article 3 of the Act and business ...Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), Article 15(5) - WIPO(4) The International Searching Authority referred to in Article 16 shall ... and were filed with the Office referred to in subparagraphs (a) and (b).Chapter 1 - Circular 92 | U.S. Copyright OfficeFor purposes of section 411, a work is a “United States work” only if— ... Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b), no works other than sound ...21 US Code § 321 - Definitions; generallyThe term “State”, except as used in the last sentence of section 372(a) of ... Nothing in subparagraph (1) of this paragraph shall be construed to apply to ...OFAC Consolidated Frequently Asked Questions - Treasury ...For current penalty amounts, see section V.B.2.a of Appendix A to OFAC;s Economic ... For example, Iran GL N expands authorizations under the Iran sanctions ...How do I refer to parts of Statutes or Statutory Instruments in the ...2021年1月8日 · If you are specifying a paragraph or subsection as part of a section, use just the abbreviation for the section. For example, paragraph (b) of ...[PDF] Guidance for implementation of the revised Payment Services ...(GL) (for specific adoption timeline on level 2 legislation please refer to section X – Transposition and EBA Mandates). PSD2 widens the scope of PSD1 by ...
- 1名詞] 法律英文- 英語翻譯 - 查查在線詞典
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- 2法律英文- 英文單字筆記:: Branbibi Blog
法律英文單字是名詞就翻譯為law(聽發音),如果是形容詞就翻譯為legal(聽發音)。法律是一種統治的手段也是一種管理的手段,有好的法律存在將可以 ...
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- 4民法中英文對照 - 輔仁大學法律學院
輔仁大學法律學院常用法學英文字彙表. 黃裕凱老師編著. 民法_5. 第三節效力. 第四節執行. 第五節撤回. 第六節特留分. Section 3 Effects. Section 4 Execu...
- 5法規名稱英譯統一標準表 - 全國法規資料庫
為簡化英譯名詞之翻譯,並避免誤解及明確界定法律位階,如有使用「通則」作為法律 ... 綱要」、「準則」等為法規之名稱,英文中並無較精準之對應名詞,英譯名稱統一 ...