Gallo 意大利 飯

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圖片全部顯示2021義式燉飯系列 - 蝦皮購物評分 5.0 (3) · $95.00 至 $165.00商品出貨非罐裝包裝** 手作加熱即食五星級義大利麵**義大利麵系列;麵醬料三合一加熱即食,防腐不添加** **台中縣市滿2000免運(需約時間運送) **當日下單現做義大利麵 ...6204-Gallo 快熟意大利飯HK$36.00 供應中商品說明. Gallo My Risotto Perfetto. 每盒可煮成二人份量. 只須12分鐘即可享最健康美味的意大利飯! 選取來自意大利Po Valley的優質米粒,Gallo快熟意大利飯保留了 ... twGallo Traditional Risotto Rice 500g - McGrocerDescription Long grain rice for risotto From sustainable agriculture Suitable for vegans What does G.A.L.L.O. really mean?The cockerel icon is the seal of ...Gallo My Risotto Perfetto Porcini Mushroom 175g - McGrocerSAR 17.00 供應中With My Risotto Perfetto everyone can enjoy, in just 12 minutes, the ultimate risotto experience from Riso Gallo, the Italian artist of risotto.DinnerSwimmers · FISH TACOS. lahaina pressed corn tortillas, roasted tomatillo sauce, maui onion rajas, cabbage, pico de gallo, chips23 · SEAFOOD RISOTTO Gluten ...
