Hit the shelf
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關於「Hit the shelf」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:
找shelf中文相關社群貼文資訊| 運動貼文懶人包-2021年11月提供on the shelf中文相關文章,想要了解更多Hit the market 中文有關運動與健身. ... 中文(繁體) (系統偵測) 翻譯為英文What is the teacher's job? tw英文的「 ...找On the shelf相關社群貼文資訊| 運動貼文懶人包-2021年11月提供on the shelf中文相關文章,想要了解更多Hit the market 中文有關運動與健身... 年7月18日· 翻譯/ 從中文(簡體) (系統偵測) 翻譯為英文Article?tw英文的「 .「產品上架」不是on the shelf,下架也不是go off the shelf!這樣說小心2016年12月31日 · This product has already hit the store shelves.(這個產品已經開始販售。
) ... 三個月英文脫胎換骨的一對一:http://goo.gl/5eIOmf ...On the shelf完整相關資訊| 數位感-2021年8月On the shelf-2021-06-25 | 遊戲基地資訊站為英文Accent ptt?tw英文 ... 年7月提供on the shelf中文相關文章,想要了解更多Hit the market 中文有關運動與健身.Forest no Twitter: "New year tree - TwitterNew year tree - "Celestial Tree" has hit the shelves~Legend has it that the Celestial Tree isn't visible to all, only when you yearn for something will the ...NECA no Twitter: "BTTF Series 1 is about to hit retail shelves and ...2020年9月12日 · BTTF Series 1 is about to hit retail shelves and Photos of Series 2 early samples are hitting the internet out of Asia. This is heavy.Hit the shelf - 遊戲基地資訊站三個月英文脫胎換骨的一對一:http://goo.gl/5eIOmf ...hit the shelves中文,hit the ... NECA no Twitter: "BTTF Series 1 is about to hit retail shelves and ...Phonics: Year by Year... shock, shift, shelf, sheep, sheet, shoot, shook, show, dash, crash, cash, ... win ip dip, hip, lip, nip, pip, rip, sip, tip, zip it bit, fit, hit, lit, ...BillboardCATALOG NUMBER/DISTRIBUTING LABEL (SHELF PRICE) 1 NEW» THE POWERPUFF GIRLS ... A5 19.95 BMG Video 65000 ynC 7 6 5 MTV'S TOTAL REQUEST LIVE K.TW LJ v/j c- .Encyclopedia of Agriculture and Food SystemsEstuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 72, 177–187. Lovell, S.T., Sullivan, W.C., 2006. ... Makarewicz, J.C., Lewis, T.W., Bosch, I., etal., 2009.
- 1如何用英語表達下架?How to translate 下架to English? 中英...
在英文裡, store shelves (或retail shelves)常用在形容貨品於真實商店販賣。,「下架」怎麼說同樣的,「上架」的英文也不能這樣說: This product will ...
- 2【今日热词】下架的英语怎么说?下架有哪些英文表达呢? - 知乎
下架有哪些英文表达呢? to take something down (from something). the video has been taken down. 这段视频已经下架。 to ...
- 3下架產品英語怎麼說? - 雅瑪知識
上架直接用shelve這個詞就可以了,shelve作動詞有把某樣東西放在架上的意思,例如shelve books 就是把書放上架。下架的話就說off-shelve就好了。 "上架單和下架單"用英...
- 4英文電子報集中: 「產品上架」不是on the shelf,下架也不是go ...
- 5「下架」 用英文怎麼說? - 每日頭條
我所有產品都被下架了。 All my products have been removed from the shelves. 點我分享到Facebook. 相關 ...