Human imprinted gene database

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有關 Human imprinted gene database?tw 的學術文章 › citationsImprinted genes and imprinting control regions show predominant ...2016年3月23日 · The list of human imprinted genes & ICR DMRs. We used the 'Catalogue of Parent of Origin Effects Imprinted Genes and Related Effects' database [ ... tw | twWAMIDEX - NCBIA web atlas of murine genomic imprinting and differential expression ... Since then, ∼90 murine and ∼50 human imprinted genes have been identified, ... tw | twCatalogue of Imprinted Genes and Parent-of ... - Oxford AcademicAdditionally, we now recognize several phenotypes in humans, mice and other animals which show a pattern of inheritance consistent with the involvement of ... | A Screen for Retrotransposed Imprinted Genes Reveals an ... - PLOS2007年2月9日 · The orthologous human locus lacks the retroposed sequence and a ... A database of known imprinted genes in the mouse is housed on the ...Genomic imprinting in mouse blastocysts is predominantly ... - Nature2021年6月21日 · Databases of mouse imprinted genes collectively list 388 genes with ... GL-DMRs are key constituents of each of the 24 known imprinting ...A model system to study genomic imprinting of human genes | PNASAbstract. Somatic-cell hybrids have been shown to maintain the correct epigenetic chromatin states to study developmental globin gene expression as well as ...Catalogue of Imprinted Genes and Parent-of-origin Effects in ...A searchable database catalogue of Imprinted Genes and Parent-of-origin Effects in Humans and Animals. twEffects of maternal nutrition on the expression of genomic imprinted ...For example, only 51 imprinted genes are common between humans and mice. ... SNP sites from the dbSNP database (sheep 9940) of the sheep reference genome.Phenotypic Outcomes of Imprinted Gene Models in Mice - Annual ...Dlk1/Dio3 DOMAIN: MOUSE CHROMOSOME 12 (HUMAN CHROMOSOME 14). Apart from mouse chromosome 7, the distal portion of chromosome 12 is the only imprinted domain in ...Discovering candidate imprinted genes and imprinting control ...2020年5月31日 · This complex methylates DNA processively on a variety of CpG-rich substrates including the promoters of human genes encompassed by CpG islands [ ... tw
