po文清單文章推薦指數: 80 %
Neurobehavioral sequelae of traumatic brain injury: evaluation and ...... challenges. Keywords: Traumatic brain injury, neurobehavioral sequelae, regional brain damage, cognitive deficits, personality changes ... Kraus JF, Chu LD, Silver JS, McAllister TW, Yudofsky SC. ... Prigatano GL, Schacter DL, editors.Neurological Sequelae of Hospitalized Japanese Encephalitis ...We present the results of this controlled neurological sequelae survey of JE cases. ... Campbell GL, Hills SL, Fischer M, Jacobson JA, Hoke CH, Hombach JM , Marfin ... The epidemiology of Japanese encephalitis on Taiwan during 1966– 1997.Sequelae of mild traumatic brain injury - UpToDateThe postconcussion syndrome and the sequelae of mild head injury. In: Neurology and ... Kors EE, Terwindt GM, Vermeulen FL, et al. Delayed ... Gallaway M, Scheiman M, Mitchell GL. ... McAllister TW, Flashman LA, Maerlender A, et al.Long-term persistence of infectious Zika virus: Inflammation and ...2020年12月10日 · ... perinatal exposure could lead to long term sequelae is not fully understood. ... ML = molecular layer, PCL = Purkinje cell layer, GL = Granular Layer. ... Phares TW, Stohlman SA, Hinton DR, Atkinson R, Bergmann CC.Pathophysiology and neurologic sequelae of cerebral malaria ...2020年7月23日 · CM survivors can retain life-long post CM sequelae, including seizures ... Birbeck GL, Beare N, Lewallen S, Glover SJ, Molyneux ME, Kaplan PW, et al. ... Jenkins NE, Mwangi TW, Kortok M, Marsh K, Craig AG, Williams TN.Pyramidal and extrapyramidal dysfunction as a sequela of hypoxic ...2007年6月27日 · Sadove MS, Yon MK, Hollinger PH, Johnston KS, Phillips FL: Severe prolonged cerebral hypoxic episode with complete recovery. Jama. 1961, ...What are less common postherpetic sequelae of herpes zoster ...Other less common postherpetic sequelae include hyperesthesia or, more rarely, hypoesthesia or anesthesia in the area of involvement.Græcum Lexicon Manuale, ... labore S. Patricii auctum ... deinde ...Alii reprzāciw , includo ; ( 2 ; excludo . ragazonbruce , aros , tè , appendix , Gl . V. 2x ... oceulte . cursu furor ; interverto . reparo 60rpis , eus , n , sequela . ... A rapaxó TW . tendo . sapá zoTO5 , 8 , orain , mente privatus , fu . extualizas , adv ...Good, bad and Sequela on Twitter: "DO YOU WANT ME CRAWLING ...Good, bad and Sequela · @pqpsequela · Joined January 2019. Tweets. © 2021 Twitter; About · Help ...Towards a better understanding of the impact of the sequelae of TBI ...Background: The multiple sequelae caused by traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) ... Link:; Dahan-Oliel N, Gélinas L, Mazer B (2008) Social ...
- 1Sequela | Definition of Sequela by Merriam-Webster
Sequela definition is - an aftereffect of a disease, condition, or injury. How to use sequela in ...
- 2sequel,sequela - 後遺症 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
sequel,sequela. 以sequel,sequela 進行詞彙精確檢索結果. 出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙 ...
- 3Sequela - Wikipedia
A sequela (UK: /sɪˈkwiːlə/, US: /sɪˈkwɛlə/; usually used in the plural, sequelae /-iː/) is a path...
- 4sequela - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
sequela. KK[sɪˋkwilə]; DJ[siˋkwi:lə]. 美式. n. 【醫】後遺症,後發症;結果. 名詞複數:sequelae. 更多解釋. sequela. 後繼者,後遺症...
- 5SEQUELA在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯 - Cambridge ...
sequela的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. a result or condition that follows from a disease or illness: 2. a result or ...