po文清單文章推薦指數: 80 %
- 1外國人聽不懂!別再把廁所叫「W.C.」了- 日常
後來為了方便,人們就用water closet的開頭字母W.C.來代替toilet。如果你想「Go to W.C.」,你可以委婉地說:「I want to wash my hands.」告訴別人...
- 2What Does WC Mean on Toilets - Rooter Guard
Before you went to the “restroom” or the “bathroom,” you went to the “water closet.” That is what...
- 3Does “WC” mean washroom or toilet? If so, why? - Quora
WC is an abbreviation for Water Closet, the polite phrase for a room with water available to carr...
- 4WC TOILETS - High quality designer WC - Architonic
Designer WC TOILETS from international manufacturers ✓ detailled info ✓ high-resolution images ✓ ...
- 5「廁所、洗手間」英文該用Toilet, Bathroom, WC, 還是…?
WC 是water closet 的簡稱,指的是沖水馬桶,早期會在英國的口語中使用,雖然現在就連英國也不太常用,但在一些非英語系的歐洲國家還是會看到廁所的標示是WC 或toilet, ...