cost efficient中文

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關於「cost efficient中文」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:

DNV GL report: From a system perspective, large-scale renewable ...2016年2月29日 · The report's main conclusion is that centralised wind and solar generation is between 33-50% more cost-efficient than the evaluated ...The road to cost-efficient decarbonized and zero emission transportThe transition from fossil-fuel powered to sustainably powered public transport is not only possible when carefully planned, but also cost-efficient and the ... tw | twCapgemini on Twitter: "Can #InjuryAnalytics led approach help ...2018年8月21日 · ... provide cost-efficient service to customers? @rahul_dhingra and Michael Carroll share their views ...Google Cloud Tech on Twitter: "#GCP helps increase cost-efficiency ...2016年11月17日 · #GCP helps increase cost-efficiency & elasticity of resources for HEP science experiments, like @CMSexperiment. ...HIV Cost-effectiveness | Guidance | Program Resources - CDCThe CDC Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention is pleased to provide a basic guide to the cost-effectiveness analysis of prevention interventions for HIV infection ...1968 Annual SupplementPAGE lit 7 M3054 ROGERS T. W. "PRIOR MOVES AS A M I GRATION DIFFERENTIAL FACTOR. ... PAGE 1.78 M.3077 RUTMAN G.L. 9"THE TRANSKEI : AN EXPERIMENT IN ECONOMIC ...Manual of Environmental MicrobiologyCost-efficient high-throughput ... Tonge DP, Pashley CH, Gant TW. 2014. ... Caporaso JG, Bittinger K, Bushman FD, DeSantis TZ, Andersen GL, Knight R. 2010.Public Health ReportsWhether this is an efficient use of resources depends on a program's goals ... A cost - effectiveness evaluation of newborn hemoglobinopathy screening from ...cost-efficient-翻译为中文-例句英语Access to cost-efficient and sustainable international transport infrastructure and services remained a major challenge for developing countries. 能否利用具有 ...Recent Developments in Photovoltaic Materials and Devices[49] Martinson ABF, Hamann TW, Pellin MJ, Hupp JT. ... I-III-VI2 Efficient Low-Cost Materials for Solar Energy Applications: Roles of Nanotechnology 61.
