po文清單文章推薦指數: 80 %
- 1disgust (【名詞】厭惡)意思、用法及發音| Engoo Words
We use “on earth” to make strong feelings like surprise, shock, anger, disgust even stronger. 我們用...
- 2disgust ]英文詞性- 名詞
disgust [動詞] 使作嘔; [名詞] 厭惡,憎惡 ... LINE it! ... 例句與用法:. She turned away in disgust. 她厭惡地轉過臉去。 His b...
- 3關於Disgust的意思和用法的提問 - HiNative
"Disgust" 的用法和例句. Q: 請提供關於in disgust 的例句給我。 A: @jesvangosen. Oh, that makes sense! I'm grateful f...
- 4disgust 中文 - 查查綫上辭典
例句與用法. He was filled with disgust at himself . 他懷著一肚子對自己的懊惱。 She turned up her pretty nose in dis...
- 5disgust: 使感到噁心, disgusting, 令人噁心的, disgusted, 感到 ...
登入 · 註冊 · 發生錯誤。 · disgust: 使感到噁心, disgusting, 令人噁心的, disgusted, 感到噁心的.