po文清單文章推薦指數: 80 %
[PDF] 骨科診斷與手術半人工關節置換術. Open reduction of internal fixation. ORIF. 開放性復位併內固定術. Posterior deompression. PD. 後減壓術. Posterior instrumentation fusion. PIF.[PDF] 開放性復位及內固定術後護理指導2018年1月24日 · 開放性復位及內固定術是以手術方式固定斷裂移位的骨. 頭,此手術是適合無法以石膏或夾板固定斷骨的病人。
醫生. 會放入植入物(例如:金屬骨 ...Radiation exposure from fluoroscopy during fixation of hip fracture ...... dose for dynamic hip screw fixation and ORIF ankle to be 2.58 Gy cm2 and 0.39 Gy cm2, ... Smith GL, Briggs TW, Lavy CB, Nordeen H. Ionising radiation: Are ...Open reduction and internal fixation of clavicular nonunions with ...Nineteen clavicle nonunions treated with ORIF and allograft were evaluated ... Open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) with autologous iliac crest bone ... Goulet JA, Senunas LE, DeSilva GL, Greenfield ML. ... Facebook; Share on Twitter ...[DOC] 5樓病房實習指導教師 - 內湖三軍總醫院11病房E-Mail: [email protected]. 常見疾病診斷. 縮寫, 英文全文, 中文. Achiles tenden ... 死骨切除術. 各部位骨折, Open Reduction with Internal Fixation(ORIF).[PDF] 經國管理暨健康學院護理系縮寫. 全文. 中文. Disectomy. 椎間盤切除術. Laminectomy. 椎板切除術. ORIF. Open reduction ... 腦腫瘤,惡性. *. Brain tumor,benign. Cerebral meninges. Pituitary. Pineal gl. 良性 ... .nhi.gov.tw/Resource/webdata/19406_2_173 次業務報告.pdf].[PDF] 【內外科護理學】11 ORIF open reduction with internal fixation. [ˋopən] [rɪˋdʌkʃən]. [ɪnˋtɝnl] [ fɪkˋseʃən]. 開放復位內固定術. 12 OREF open reduction with external fixation.A Guide to Improving the Care of Patients with Fragility Fractures ...Bryson, GL, Wyand, A. Evidence-based clinical update: general anesthesia and the risk of delirium and postoperative ... Della Valle, C, Parvizi, J, Bauer, TW.Midface - AO Surgery Reference - AO FoundationBecome a member. Connect. Facebook · Instagram · LinkedIn · Twitter · Vimeo · AO FOUNDATION; AO TRAUMA; AO CMF; AO SPINE; AO VET; AO RECON.[PDF] 全髖關節置換術(Total hip replacement,THR) 髖關節位置構造與運作 ...髖關節位置構造與運作:. 『髖關節』是股骨頭和髖臼的結合處,外型上就像一顆球型物嵌進一凹形窩,主要組成包. 括『圓球體』(即大腿骨頂端)和盆骨內的一個圓 ...
- 1縮寫及一般醫護英文單字 - 衛生福利部嘉義醫院
73, CT, Computerized tomography, 電腦斷層攝影術. 74, D ... retrograde cholangiopancreatography, 內視鏡逆行性胰膽...
- 2國軍醫院中清分院5 病房常見縮寫名詞
OP 手術. 7. NPO except medication 除藥外禁食. 7. Post Surgical(S/P)術後術後. 8. N-G feeding 鼻胃管灌食. 8. R/O 疑似...
- 3#翻譯手術診斷名 - 語言板 | Dcard
哪位大大可以告訴我怎麼翻比較順,我翻得怪怪的,感謝,Appendical cancer with uterus,right ovarian metastasis s/p - 英文,診斷.
- 4【內外科護理學】
Parkinson`s disease. [dɪˋziz]. 巴金森氏症. 4. Dementia ... [ˋværɪ͵kos] [ven]. 靜脈曲張. 23. Pacemaker. [ˋp...
- 5澄清醫院中港院區9 樓病房常見診斷與手術名稱
Ureteral obstruction 輸尿管阻塞. Ureteral stricture 輸尿管狹窄. Post Surgery (S/p) Double J Ureteral. Cathe...