po文清單文章推薦指數: 80 %
Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Chinese Voice ...Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Chinese Voice Handicap Index-10. Laryngoscope. 2006 Jul;116(7):1192-8. doi: 10.1097/01. twDevelopment and validation of the voice handicap index-10 - PubMedThe VHI-10 is a powerful representation of the VHI that takes less time for the patient to complete without loss of validity. Thus, the VHI-10 can replace ... tw[PDF] Development and Validation of the Children's Voice Handicap Index ...CVHI-10 is easily administered, highly reproducible, exhibits good clinical validity, and responsive- ness to treatment. Key Words: Voice–Dysphonia–Quality of ...The Greek and global VHI thresholds for voice disordered patients2019年6月27日 · Here, we used the Greek Voice Handicap Index (VHI) to address the ... auditory-perceptual and aerodynamic evaluations9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 ...A Meta-Analysis of the Association Between the Voice Handicap ...2020年10月16日 · Significant pooled correlation was observed for VHI-30 total with jitter ... Minimal important difference ID'd in voice handicap index-10.[PDF] 國立臺北護理健康大學聽語障礙科學研究所碩士班碩士論文指導教授Evaluating the validity of the voice handicap index-10 (VHI-10) among. Hebrew speakers. Otolaryngology-Head and Neck surgery, 135, 603-607. Bele, I. V. (2005).圖片全部顯示Very long‐term Voice Handicap Index Voice Outcomes after ...2018年4月6日 · One of these studies is a case series of 5 patients,9 in two studies, voice results in terms of acoustics and aerodynamics parameters10, 11 are ...Index Medicus... Ciardiello F De Winter RJ see Agema WR de'Angelis GL see Oderda G De Vita ... see O'Connor V of the voice handicap index - 10 and the vocal performance ...Coherence between the Voice Handicap Index and Acoustic Voice ...One hundred and ten female non-dysphonic students (aged 18 to 34) that smoked were recruited. Participants answered the Voice Handicap Index and their voice ...