
文章推薦指數: 80 %


用"wrong"造句 - 查查在線詞典用wrong造句和"wrong"的例句: 1. The church was wrong in silencing galileo . 教會壓制伽俐略是錯誤的。

2. It's wrong to pet a big boy like you .寵愛你這么大的 ..."go wrong"造句 - 查查在線詞典用go wrong造句和"go wrong"的例句: 1. Do what i told you. you can 't go wrong . 照我說的做,準保沒錯兒。

2. Surely you wo n't go wrong if you follow his ...用“wrong' 造句_百度知道2010年9月5日 · You're wrong. 你错了。

What's wrong with you? 你怎么了。

There is something wrong with my computer. 我的电脑有点问题。

已赞过 已踩过<. ... get something wrong curious word>>http://goo.gl/ ubVPUd -- Source: 英語島雜誌 ... Prove that you are worth it http://englishisland. com.tw/curious/post/1428 【履歷的減法】3. ... 既然現在是夏天,就請大家照樣造句。

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