Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) - State of Michigan
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ESSA is the nation's education law and longstanding commitment to equal opportunity for all students. ESSA requires that each state establish a state-wide ... Skiptomaincontent UnsupportedBrowserDetected ThewebBrowseryouarecurrentlyusingisunsupported,andsomefeaturesofthissitemaynotworkasintended.PleaseupdatetoamodernbrowsersuchasChrome,FirefoxorEdgetoexperienceallfeaturesMichigan.govhastooffer. SupportedBrowsers GoogleChrome Safari MicrosoftEdge Firefox EveryStudentSucceedsAct(ESSA) EveryStudentSucceedsAct(ESSA) MichiganDepartmentofEducation EveryStudentSucceedsAct(ESSA) OnDecember10,2015,PresidentObamasignedtheEveryStudentSucceedsAct(ESSA),reauthorizingthefederalElementaryandSecondaryEducationAct(ESEA)andreplacingtheNoChildLeftBehindAct(NCLB),the2001reauthorizationofESEA. ESSAisthenation’seducationlawandlongstandingcommitmentto equalopportunityforallstudents.ESSArequiresthateachstateestablishastate-wideaccountability systemforpublicschoolsinthestate. TheMichiganDepartmentofEducationsubmittedthestate’sfinalESSAPlantotheU.S.DepartmentofEducation(USED)onApril17,2017. Michigan’sApproved ESSAPlan —Approvedon11/28/17 MDEPressReleaseonESSAPlanApproval (11/29/17) SecretaryDeterminationLetter (11/28/17) USDeptofEdLogo ESSAResourcesfromtheU.S.DepartmentofEducation USEDESSAResources Followus
- 1What Is the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)? | Understood
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) is the main education law for public schools in the United ...
- 2S.1177 - Every Student Succeeds Act - Congress.gov
The bill instead requires a state to establish long-term goals for all students and individual su...
- 3Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) - State of Michigan
ESSA is the nation's education law and longstanding commitment to equal opportunity for all stude...
- 4Every Student Succeeds Act - Resources (CA Dept of Education)
On July 2, 2021 ED invited states to apply for a waiver to allow LEAs to carry over more than 15 ...
- 5Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) · Advances equity by upholding critical protections for America...