挑戰的英文翻譯| English-Chinese Dictionary - 英漢字典
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挑戰, 注音[ㄊㄧㄠˇ ㄓㄢˋ] 通用[tiao jhan] 漢語[tiao zhan] 國語辭典 威妥瑪[t`iao chan] 國語二式[tiau jan] 國語羅馬字[teau jann] ... 線上英漢字典/中文拼音/計算機 Chinese-EnglishDictionary/Calculator Enterchinese/englishword(s),Taiwanaddressormath.expression: 可輸入英文單字、中文字詞、台灣地址、計算式 按[Enter]重新輸入 來源(1):CEDICT(字詞查詢)挑戰注音[ㄊㄧㄠˇㄓㄢˋ]通用[tiaojhan]漢語[tiaozhan] 國語辭典威妥瑪[t`iaochan]國語二式[tiaujan]國語羅馬字[teaujann] tochallenge challenge 來源(2):CEDICT(單字查詢)挑注音[ㄊㄧㄠ]通用[tiao]漢語[tiao]U+6311筆劃數[9]部首[才] 筆順國語辭典威妥瑪[t`iao]國語二式[tiau]國語羅馬字[tiau] tocarryonashoulderpole tochoose topick tonitpick 挑注音[ㄊㄧㄠˇ]通用[tiao]漢語[tiao]U+6311筆劃數[9]部首[才] 筆順國語辭典威妥瑪[t`iao]國語二式[tiau]國語羅馬字[teau] toraise todigup topoke toprick toincite tostirup 戰注音[ㄓㄢˋ]通用[jhan]漢語[zhan]U+6230筆劃數[16]部首[戈] 筆順國語辭典威妥瑪[chan]國語二式[jan]國語羅馬字[jann] tofight fight war battle
- 1挑战的英文翻译 - 海词词典
参考释义 · - (挑衅) throw down the gauntlet; challenge; challenge to battle: accept the challenge; take...
- 2挑战- Translation in English - bab.la
Translation for '挑战' in the free Chinese-English dictionary and many other English translations.
- 3挑战- Translation into English - examples Chinese
Translations in context of "挑战" in Chinese-English from Reverso Context: 迎接挑战, 为了应对这些挑战, 挑战和机遇, 这...
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生活英語動起來英語挑戰English Challenge 教案 ... ::: 新北市三峽區民義國民小學Minyi Elementary School, Sanxia District, New...
- 5English Translation of “挑战” - Collins Dictionary
In other languages. 挑战 ... A challenge is something new and difficult which requires great effort...