英文email最常犯的錯誤:回信說well received,老外只會疑惑
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和well received很像的一個詞是well noted。
那收到別人的Email裡可不可以用well noted回呢?牛津字典上well noted的解釋是:Particularly or ...
- 1想回國外客戶e-mail:收到了!這樣回信才專業 - Cheers雜誌
We have already received your reply and will get back to you shortly. 我們已收到你的回覆,並很快會回覆你。 可不可以用wel...
- 2英文email最常犯的錯誤:回信說well received,老外只會疑惑...
(O)We have already received your reply and will get back to you shortly.(我們已收到你的回覆,並很快會回覆你。) 可不可以...
- 3【Email Template】寫Well-Received係錯? 必學8招商用電郵
其實,如果想表示「已收到」,簡潔地以「Well Noted」、「Noted」甚至是最平凡的「Thank you」已行。 2. 慎用Thanks for your attention. 很多打工仔...
- 4Q109. 請問Well noted with... - Prime English Learning Centre
例如經常上教堂的信徒可能會聽過Give thanks to the Lord.(頌讚主) 另外,well noted with thanks 勉強可接受,但感覺既不地道,也不自然。如果想表達「 ...
- 5實用!40 個網路業常用英文句型與情境整理 - Medium
這系列用於當你接到任務接下來要負責去追蹤與執行時,可以跟上面的「遵命系列」排列組合搭配服用。例如“Well noted, will stay on top of it”.