「我罩你」的英文怎麼說? - 中英物語ChToEn 知道
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我罩你的英文怎麼說?★ 我罩你的英文怎麼說我罩你的英文例句Whenlifeseemstoblindsideyouwithundesirableevents,it'dbenicetohavesomeonesaytoyou,"I'vegotyourback."A:I'vebeenworkingforthecompanyforyears.HowIwishforapromotion.B:Ihaveyourback.WhensuchanopeningopensupI'llletyouknowrightaway. 我罩你的相關詞加油捧場熱心提倡撐
- 1我最罩你我最挺你的英文怎麼講? | Yahoo奇摩知識+
I got your back!! 看很多電影. 黑人用語的我最罩你我最挺你的英文. 藥怎麼講阿? 2006-08-20 12:27:34 補充:. who's the one always b...
- 2我罩你怎麼中翻英? - Zi 字媒體
我罩你的英文怎麼說英文例句1. When life seems to blindside you with undesirable events, it'd be nice to have so...
- 3「我會罩你」英文怎麼說? | 全民學英文
我會罩你. 看過電影裡面的警匪大戰嗎?你常常會聽到某個正義的一方的警察,跟另外一個警察說:I'll watch your back. 就是我罩你的意思啦。
- 4「我罩你」的英文怎麼說? - 中英物語ChToEn 知道
我罩你的英文例句. When life seems to blindside you with undesirable events, it'd be nice to have someone ...
- 5“我罩你"的英文– Sharon's English Class