Kagetsu Tohya - Wikiwand
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Kagetsu Tohya (歌月十夜, Kagetsu Tōya, lit. Ten Nights of the Singing Moon) is a fan disc meta-sequel to dojin visual novel game, Tsukihime, ... IntroductionGameplayPlotCharactersReferencesExternallinksKagetsuTohya(歌月十夜,KagetsuTōya,lit.TenNightsoftheSingingMoon)isafandiscmeta-sequeltodojinvisualnovelgame,Tsukihime,releasedonAugust13,2001,byType-Moon.OnApril18,2002,Inside-Cap[1]releasedanofficiallylicensed[2]programforWindows98/Me/2000/XPthatallowedcustomerstoconverttheirPCcopyofKagetsuTohyaintoaGameboyAdvanceromforonthegoplaying;theprogramwasdistributedviaCD-ROMthroughretailandonlineshops.[3] Japanesevisualnovelgame KagetsuTohyaCoverofKagetsuTohya歌月十夜 GameDeveloperType-MoonPublisherType-MoonGenreVisualnovel,erogeEngineNScripterPlatformMicrosoftWindowsReleasedJP:August13,2001
- 1Kagetsu Tohya - Wikipedia
Kagetsu Tohya (歌月十夜, Kagetsu Tōya, lit. Ten Nights of the Singing Moon) is a fan disc meta-sequel...
- 2Kagetsu Tohya - Facebook
Kagetsu Tohya. 129 likes. Kagetsu Tohya (歌月十夜, Kagetsu Tōya?, lit. Ten Nights of the Verses and M...
- 3kagetsu tohya | Anime, Aurora sleeping beauty, Character
- 4Kagetsu Tohya (Video Game 2001) - IMDb
Kagetsu Tohya: Directed by Kinoko Nasu.
- 5How long is Kagetsu Tohya? - HowLongToBeat.com
Kagetsu Tohya consists of "Twilight Glass Moon, Fairy Tale Princess", the long main story with ma...