Elect | Definition of Elect by Merriam-Webster
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- 1区别辨析choose、select、elect、pick、prefer与opt - 田间小站
choose : 普通用词,侧重根据个人意愿和判断从众多的对象中进行选择,着重被选者的优点。 She had to choose between the two men in her life.
- 2select,choose,elect分别有什么不同?_百度知道
vote与其他三个单词区别较大,主要是指投票给某人,投票决定某事,公认等含义。 choose,select,elect,pick. These verbs mean to make a choi...
- 3What is the difference between elect and choose? | WikiDiff
is that elect is to choose or make a decision (to do something) while choose is to pick; to make ...
- 4Choose vs. Elect vs. Select – what are the differences ...
In the first and second sentence, it would not be wrong to use select but it would be uncommon. S...
- 5choose、select、elect、pick、prefer、opt不同的選擇表達- 每 ...
不同的選擇表達,讓我們來一起整理一下吧,有choose、select、elect、pick、prefer、optchoose:普通用詞,主要表達個人意願和判斷大多數人 ...