Gamer Troll - Urban Dictionary
文章推薦指數: 80 %
- 1bait、troll 是什麼意思?搞懂電玩英文術語和外國玩家玩遊戲!
如果學會電玩英文術語,例如搞懂bait、troll 的意思,就能夠和國外玩家連線組隊! ... Bob: Sofia, are you interested in joining our onl...
- 2What Is Trolling? Steam Cracks Down on Troll Games | Tom's ...
But that didn't stop Valve from taking a stab at offering a more specific definition of what a tr...
- 3Gamer Troll - Urban Dictionary
Most of these trolls are very unskilled at most or current game he/she is playing at the time. An...
- 4Internet troll - Wikipedia
In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts flame wars or intentionally upsets people on th...
- 5In League of Legends, what is the meaning of trolling and ...
Trolling however is doing actions which irritate others on purpose. This may include leaving thei...