in vain - Dictionary Definition :
文章推薦指數: 80 %
If you do something in vain, you do it with no result, or to no effect. Abraham Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address to make it clear that Union ... invain Ifyoudosomethinginvain,youdoitwithnoresult,ortonoeffect.AbrahamLincolndeliveredtheGettysburgAddresstomakeitclearthatUnionsoldiersdidnotdieinvain. Ifaneffortisfutile,it'sinvain.Youmightspendtimeandmoneycampaigningtobeschoolpresident,handingoutbumperstickersandhomemadecupcakes,allinvain—despiteyourhardwork,youdon'twintheelection.Whenyouwaitinvainforthephonetoring,itneverdoes.InvainismodeledaftertheLatininvanum,anditkeepstheoriginalsenseofthewordvain,"unprofitable"or"devoidofvalue." Definitionsofinvain adverb tonoavail “helookedforher invain” synonyms: vainly WordFamily Signupnow(it’sfree!) Whetheryou’reateacheroralearner,Vocabulary.comcanputyouoryourclassonthepathtosystematicvocabularyimprovement. Getstarted ForEveryone PlaytheChallenge VocabularyLists Dictionary CommonlyConfusedWords JoinaVocabularyJam TestPrep ForEducators Classroom&SiteLicense Pricing ContactSales SuccessStories TeachingResources ProfessionalDevelopment Research Help HelpArticles/FAQ How-toVideos Webinars ContactSupport PrivacyPolicy TermsofUse Leaderboards VocabularyBowl BowlLeaders Today'sLeaders WeeklyLeaders MonthlyLeaders Connect Vocabulary.comBlog News&Events Telluswhatyouthink OurStory OurMission Team/Jobs Partnerships MyAccount Login Signup MyAccount LogOut MyProfile Schools&Teachers MyClasses MySATRoadmap MyTOEFLRoadmap Assignments&Activities MyLists FindaListtoLearn... CreateaNewList... MyProgress WordsI'mLearning MyTroubleWords WordsI'veMastered MyAchievements UserAdministration UserAuthentication MyAccount Copyright©,Inc.,adivisionofIXLLearning•AllRightsReserved.
- 1In vain Definition & Meaning |
To no avail, useless, as in All our work was in vain. [c. 1300] Also see take someone's name in v...
- 2vain中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典
vain adjective (NOT SUCCESSFUL) ... The doctors gave him more powerful drugs in the vain hope tha...
- 3In vain definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
If you do something in vain, you do not succeed in achieving what you intend. He stopped at the d...
- 4Vain Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
Full Definition of vain · 1 : having or showing undue or excessive pride in one's appearance or a...
- 5in vain - Dictionary Definition :
If you do something in vain, you do it with no result, or to no effect. Abraham Lincoln delivered...