英文not until用法(Usage of not until in English) | 輕鬆學英語 ...
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=It was not until the girlfriend went into the house that Jack left. Not until the pet left did Alex realize its importance.(直到寵物跑掉,Alex才知道它的重要) =Alex did ... 入門Basic 單字Vocabulary 文法Grammar 片語Phrase 片語(Phrase) 句型-倒裝句(patter
- 1【英文文法】看完這篇總整理,「英文倒裝句」再也不會霧煞煞 ...
這時的”Not until”放到句首,後面就要倒裝。 《用法》Not until + 主詞+ 動詞 + 助動詞 + 主詞+ 動詞原型… 《例句》. ・She did not come home ...
- 2until與not....until的用法與它的倒裝解析| Kaftin
因為中文翻譯的關係,導致許多人不太理解not...until的語意或用法...本文中,先 ... =It was not until his mother came back that John...
- 3until 和not until 的用法 - 傑夫的英文學習部落格
Jack didn't realize how much he loved Mary until he broke up with her. = It was not until Jack br...
- 4【老師救救我】until 用法大集合 - 希平方
- 5英文not until用法(Usage of not until in English) | 輕鬆學英語 ...
=It was not until the girlfriend went into the house that Jack left. Not until the pet left did A...