PT Sans Font Family - 1001 Fonts
文章推薦指數: 80 %
PT Sans is a type family of universal use. It consists of 8 styles: regular and bold weights with corresponding italics form a standard computer font family ... FontCategoriesSignInSignUpGeneralSerif ·SansSerif ·Italic ·Letterbat ·Initials ·SmallCapsSizePoster ·Display ·Headline ·Text ·SmallText ·CaptionWeightHairline ·Thin ·Light ·Regular ·Medium ·Bold ·Heavy ·Black ·FatWidthMonospaced ·UltraNarrow ·ExtraNarrow ·Narrow ·Wide ·ExtraWide ·UltraWideOccasionWedding ·BabyShower ·Birthday ·Party ·TattooHolidaysChristmas ·Hanukkah ·Valentine'sDay ·St.Patrick'sDay ·Easter ·Halloween ·…Decade1990s ·1980s ·1970s ·1960s ·1950s ·1940s ·1930s ·1920s ·1910s ·1900s ·1890s ·…ForeignImitationAfrican ·Alien ·Arabic ·Asian ·Greek ·Mexican ·Runic ·Russian ·…YesteryearRetro ·Vintage ·Antique ·Typewriter ·ArtDeco ·ArtNouveau ·Medieval ·Blackletter ·OldEnglishModernTechno ·Futuristic ·Science-Fiction ·Digital ·LCD ·Blocky ·Geometric ·Stenciled ·Neon ·HardtoReadStyle3d ·Comic ·Calligraphy ·Cute ·Fancy ·Elegant ·Grunge ·Eroded ·Outlined ·Pixel ·DistortedMoodQuirky ·Girly ·Scary ·Romantic ·Groovy ·Funky ·Hot ·ColdHandwritingCursive ·Script ·Signature ·Feminine ·Masculine ·Formal ·Informal ·Messy ·Ugly ·Neat ·Brush ·Graffiti ·…ThemeFamous ·Brandname ·Army ·WildWest ·Circus ·TV ·Movie ·Music ·Athletic ·Varsity ·SportsDingbatIcon ·Border ·Frame ·Animal ·People ·Flower ·Heart ·Food ·…SpecialFreeFontsforCommercialUse ·New&FreshFonts ·MostPopularFonts ·AlphabeticFonts ·LargestFontFamilies ·TrendingFontsHomePTSansFontFamily×Anerrorhasoccured.Pleasetryagainlater.PTSansFontFamilyMadebyParaType DownloadFreeforcommercialuseAddtofavorites ShareTagssansserifhumanistlegiblecyrillicmultilingualgooglewebbolditalicnarrowtextcaptionregularsmalltextheadlineStylesEntercustomsampletexttochangethefontpreviewsbelowAAFontSize24pt26pt28pt32pt36pt40pt44pt48pt54pt60pt66pt72pt80pt88pt96pt106pt116pt128pt142pt158pt178pt198pt218pt240pt PermalinkPermalinktothesesettings×Permalink:PressCtrl+C/Cmd+CtocopyandEsctoclosethisdialogWaterfall144 pt72 pt48 pt36 pt24 pt18 pt14 pt12 pt10 ptCharmapsWaterfall144 pt72 pt48 pt36 pt24 pt18 pt14 pt12 pt10 ptCharmapsWaterfall144 pt72 pt48 pt36 pt24 pt18 pt14 pt12 pt10 ptCharmapsWaterfall144 pt72 pt48 pt36 pt24 pt18 pt14 pt12 pt10 ptCharmapsWaterfall144 pt72 pt48 pt36 pt24 pt18 pt14 pt12 pt10 ptCharmapsWaterfall144 pt72 pt48 pt36 pt24 pt18 pt14 pt12 pt10 ptCharmapsWaterfall144 pt72 pt48 pt36 pt24 pt18 pt14 pt12 pt10 ptCharmapsWaterfall144 pt72 pt48 pt36 pt24 pt18 pt14 pt12 pt10 ptCharmapsAboutLicenseFreeforpersonaluseFreeforcommercialusePTSansislicensedunderthefollowingterms:customPTFreeFontLicense_eng_1.2.txtwithinzip-filept-sans.zip1001FontsgeneralfontusagetermsIllustrationsStatisticsCommentsPleaseconfirm×YesNo
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