The Lost Wild - Reveal Trailer - IGN
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The Lost Wild appears to be some sort of survival horror game…featuring dinosaurs. Lots and lots of dinosaurs. LoadingTheLostWild•Jul28,2022TheLostWild-RevealTrailerTheLostWildappearstobesomesortofsurvivalhorrorgame…featuringdinosaurs.Lotsandlotsofdinosaurs.Wegetalookatafirst-personviewofadensejunglefullofdinos,andascaredplayercharacterconsultingacompass.ThereseemtobesomeseriousJurassicParkvibesthough,too,asweseesectionsfeaturingmoderntechnology,usingaflare,lights,awhiteboard,andmore.Noreleasedatejustyet,butyoucanwishlistnowonSteamifyoulike.ShareDidyouenjoythisvideo?LeavefeedbackInThisVideoTheLostWildGreatApeGamesTBA2024RatingESRB:RatingPendingPlatformsPCWishlistRelated46:30BestNewGameTrailers(Weekof8-1-22)
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The Lost Wild appears to be some sort of survival horror game…featuring dinosaurs. Lots and lots ...
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