安妮Build, Runes, Counters (輔助, Season 12.10) - OP.GG
文章推薦指數: 80 %
安妮Build for 輔助- 安妮build from runes, skill order, item path, counters and more in the latest LoL Patch. BacktopastOP.GG'sinterface.ClickkrGlobalNAEUWEUNEOCEKRJPBRLASLANRUTRKRplatinum_plusAllChallengerGrandmasterMaster+MasterDiamond+DiamondPlatinum+PlatinumGold+GoldSilverBronzeIronPlatinum+12.10Version:12.10Version:12.09Version:12.08Version:12.10安妮構建for 輔助QWERSamplesizeisnotlargeenough.構建對抗符文Item技能趨勢圖表推薦符文設置征服啟示RuneStats35.19%19遊戲78.95%31.48%17遊戲58.82%推薦殺戮構建QWEQWEQQRQWQWRWWEE60%3遊戲100.00%推薦Item構建開始Item開始Item289.66%234遊戲52.56%28.05%21遊戲61.90%鞋鞋71.06%167遊戲56.89%21.7%51遊戲56.86%推薦構建推薦構建召喚師法術98.64%290遊戲54.83%1.36%4遊戲25.00%對抗難以應對的英雄容易應對的英雄
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Annie build guides – op.gg provides builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, com...
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安妮ARAM 構建& 符文. 3 階級. 嗜火. Q. 瓦解怒焰. W. 烈焰衝擊. E. 熔炎護盾. R. 召喚:泰貝爾. 階級. 52.54%. Pick率. 2.74%.
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安妮Build for 中路- 安妮build from runes, skill order, item path, counters and more in the latest LoL P...
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安妮Build for 中路- 安妮build from runes, skill order, item path, counters and more in the latest LoL P...