noted with many thanks上司 - 軟體兄弟
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noted with many thanks上司, 所以若是要向上司致謝的話,用"Thank you for all ... 回覆一句"Noted with thanks"等內容表達你已讀郵件,會 ..., Well-received with ... notedwithmanythanks上司 相關問題&資訊整理 notedwithmanythanks上司 軟體兄弟 receivedwiththanks用法 文章資訊 所以若是要向上司致謝的話,用"Thankyouforally
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三個月英文脫胎換骨的一對一: 5eIOmf仲嚟well received?寫好公事email,閃避港式英文| JobsDB Hong ...RE:如何回覆Job Of...
- 2well noted with thanks上司-2021-06-12 | 小文青生活
well noted with thanks上司相關資訊,well noted上司-2021-03-20 | 萌寵公園1 天前· 美國作家兼行銷專家Danielle René 在她的Twitte...
- 3noted with many thanks上司 - 軟體兄弟
noted with many thanks上司, 所以若是要向上司致謝的話,用"Thank you for all ... 回覆一句"Noted with thanks"等內容表達你已讀郵件,...
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很多人在收到email習慣回覆“Well received with thanks”以為這樣是「我收到了, 謝謝」 。 ...well noted上司-2021-03-20 | 萌寵公園1 天前...
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... 個個都覆 ...,回應上司指示及向同事提出要求6. 表達謝意1. ... The file has been well received with thanks. ... The com...