select vs. choose? - English Vocabulary, Grammar and Idioms ...
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selectvs.choose? EnglishasaSecondLanguage EnglishVocabulary,GrammarandIdioms Sunhy June12,2018,11:51am #1 Hello, Iwanttoknowthediffrencebetweenselectandchoose. Suchas:Whynotyouchoosetheotherway? Whynotyouselecttheotherway? Whichs
- 1"select" 和"choose" 和"pick up" 的差別在哪裡? | HiNative
select的同義字Select, choose and pick can all mean "decide on". "We chose purple for the front door."...
- 2What is the difference between pick and choose? - Quora
You pick a fight, you pick up a gun, you pick your nose. It's always ... “Choice” as a noun means...
- 3choose, pick, select的用法区别 - 英语词汇网
choose, pick, select的用法区别. 区别一. choose 的名词形式为 choice(可数),pick 的名词形式仍为 pick(不可数),select 的名词形式为 sel...
- 4Pick vs Select vs Choose - English Language Learners Stack ...
- 5choose -意為“可供選擇,選擇,分配” select pick elect - ENLIZZA
choose -意為“可供選擇,選擇,分配” select pick elect. choose — chose — chosen 剩下的三個詞- ed 所有的話都互不相這樣的特點不同:選擇的嚴...