Saturated steam table - Baelz calculator
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Saturated steam table ; Steam Pressure, bar abs ; Saturated Steam Temperature, °C ; Latent Heat of Steam, kJ/kg ; Specific Enthalpy of Saturated Steam, kJ/kg. DeutschEnglishFrançaisEspañol中文 Baelzcalculator BaelzBaelzactiveBaelzCalculatorSaturatedsteamtable BaelzactiveEventsBaelzpublicationsDownloadsBaelzCalculatorUnitconversionPipelinedimensioningforsteam-waterPipelinedimensioningforwater-waterSaturatedsteamtableThelatestNewsletterBaelzServiceInquiry Decimalplaces 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SteamPressurebarabs SaturatedSteamTemperature°C LatentHeatofSteamkJ/kg SpecificEnthalpyofSaturatedSteamkJ/kg SpecificEnthalpyofSaturatedWaterkJ/kg SpecificVolumeofSaturatedSteamm³/kg SpecificVolumeofSaturatedWaterm³/kg W.Baelz&SohnGmbH&Co.Koepffstrasse5⋅74076⋅Heilbronn⋅Germany⋅+4971311500-0⋅[email protected]
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