dear everyone | WordReference Forums
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Is it correct to say "Dear everyone" or "dear all" if you're writing a letter to a group of people? Forums Dict
- 1dear all or dear everyone? - TextRanch
One of our experts will correct your English. dear all vs dear everyone. A complete search of the...
- 2dear everyone | WordReference Forums
Is it correct to say "Dear everyone" or "dear all" if you're writing a letter to a group of people?
- 3Is it appropriate to use the salutation "Dear All" in a work email?
Dear all is perfectably acceptable. So is Dear Colleagues. It depends on how formal or informal y...
- 4【整理】Dear everyone - 自助旅行最佳解答-20201112
Dears, Dear all都不好!英文email的第一句,這樣寫才有禮貌| 經理人2016年8月18日· 這篇整理出商業書寫裡常遇到的問題、忌諱,VoiceTube 教你成為 ...
- 5商業Email打招呼:Hi已經取代Dear了! - 世界公民電子報
Hi, Everyone, (尊重每一個人的個別性,而不是Dear all一整攤) Dear Team Members, (主管寫給團隊成員可以這樣,寫給主管不要用Dear team membe...