Never Can Say Goodbye lyrics - Westlife
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Westlife - Never Can Say Goodbye lyrics lyrics: Never can say goodbye No ohh oh Baby I never can say goodbye Shane: Never can say goodbye No, no ... Joinus Addnewsong Lyrics Forum What'sNew? A-ZArtists Identifyit All Non-EnglishSongs MusicfromTV StoreMusicsIdentify ScatLyricsIdentify Lyricstranslations All Arabic French German Greek Hebrew Italian Persian Spanish Turkish Lyricsrequest Lyricsrequest Pleasereadbeforeposting More LyricsReview Poetry Tabs SongsforSpecialMoments MusicEvents Musicinstruments Lookfor Home»Artists»Westlife»NeverCanSayGoodbye NeverCanSayGoodbyelyrics Nevercansaygoodbye NoohhohBaby Inevercansaygoodbye Shane: Nevercansaygoodbye No,no,no,no,I Nevercansaygoodbye Ev'rytimeIthinkI'vehadenough Andstartheadingforthedoor There'saverystrangevibration Piercingmerighttothecore Itsaysturnaroundyoufool Youknowyoulovehermoreandmore Tellmewhy Tellmewhyisitso Idon'twannaletyougo Chorus: Inevercansaygoodbye,girl Inevercansaygoodbye,no,no,no,no,no,no Mark: Inevercansaygoodbye Nooohhoh Nevercansaygoodbye Ikeepthinkin'thatourproblems Soonareallgonnaworkout Butthere'sthatsameunhappyfeelin' There'sthatanguish,there'sthatdoubt It'sthatsameolddizzyhangup Can'tdowithyouorwithout Tellmewhy Tellmewhyisitso Idon´twannaletyougo Chorusx2 SubmittedbyGuest CorrectReport TopWestlifesongsILayMyLoveOnYouCoastToCoastFlyingWithoutWingsFoolAgainSeasonsInTheSunDriveIfILetYouGoIHaveADreamINeedYouIfTomorrowNeverComesSwearItAgainChangeTheWorldCatchmybreathMandy(Westlife)HeartWithoutAHomeAllWestlifelyrics A-ZArtists | Lyricstranslations | Identify | Lyricsrequest Translateinterface:English |Français |Deutsch |Italiano |Español PrivacyPolicy | DMCAPolicy | Contactus Alllyricsarepropertyandcopyrightoftheirowners.Alllyricsprovidedforeducationalpurposesonly.
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Shane: Never can say goodbye Oh no baby Never can say goodbye Never can say goodbye No, no, no,.....
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Just you and I I'm never gonna say goodbye 'Cause I never wanna see you cry. I swore to you my lo...
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