pronunciation of ferocious by Macmillan Dictionary
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derived words. ferociously. adverb. ferociousness. noun. Use our interactive phonemic chart to hear each symbol spoken, followed by an example of the sound ... Collocations Thesaurus Blog BuzzWord OpenDictionary Resources Quizzes Videos Search BuzzWord OpenDictionary Resources Quizzes Videos Collocations Thesaurus Blog Search ferociousDefinitions and Synonymsadjective /fəˈrəʊʃəs/Clicktolistentothepronunciationofferociousderivedwordsferociouslyadverbferociousnessnoun DefinitionandsynonymsofferociousfromtheonlineEnglishdictionaryfromMacmillanEducation. ThisistheBritishEnglishpronunciationofferocious. ViewAmericanEnglishpronunciationofferocious. Viewmainentry Previousandnext + - ferment fermium fern ferocious ferocity ferret ferret Sharethisentry Quizzes Vocabularyquiz:trendingwordsof2020 Takethequiznow Social Twitter Facebook TweetsbyMacDictionary Contact Privacy ConsentManagement CookiesPolicy TermsandConditions FAQ Index About Authors Partners Options Tools FOLLOWUS Twitter Facebook JoinMacmillanDictionaryonTwitterandFacebookfordailywordfacts,quizzesandlanguagenews. ©MacmillanEducationLimited2009–2022
- 1pronunciation of ferocious by Macmillan Dictionary
derived words. ferociously. adverb. ferociousness. noun. Use our interactive phonemic chart to he...
- 2How to pronounce ferocious |
How to say ferocious in English? Pronunciation of ferocious with 3 audio pronunciations, 28 synon...
- 3How to pronounce ferocious in English - Forvo
How to pronounce ferocious in English. The definition of ferocious is: marked by extreme and viol...
- 4922 pronunciations of Ferocious in English - YouGlish
Here are 4 tips that should help you perfect your pronunciation of 'ferocious': Break 'ferocious'...
- 5ferocious adjective - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and ...
very aggressive or violent; very strong synonym savage. a ferocious beast/attack/storm; a man dr...