引起- 教育百科
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- 1引起- Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
引起. zhuyin[ㄧㄣˇㄑㄧˇ]; pinyin[yinqi]. to give rise to; to bring about; to come of; ... 引起警覺. zhuyin[...
- 2【英文文法】導致、造成、引起各種表達前因後果的英語片語 ...
寫作時常常用到的導致、造成、引起…,除了cause你還知道其他用法嗎? 讓小編來告訴你更多用法,讓你的文章更加多變、豐富吧!
- 3引起- English translation – Linguee
Many translated example sentences containing "引起" – English-Chinese dictionary and search engine ...
- 4Chinese Word: 引起- Talking Chinese English Dictionary
When she does have something to say in the middle of a chore, it usually deserves attention. zhè ...
- 5引起的解釋|引起的意思|漢典“引起”詞語的解釋
引起yǐnqǐ. (1) [set off]∶起身. 各稍自引起更衣. (2) [give rise to;lead to;cause;make]∶某種事物使另一事物出現. 引起好感. ----...