The Imaging Source Industrial Cameras
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Industrial cameras with GigE and USB interfaces in compact format with outstanding image quality and high frame rates. Search CAMERAS Alltypesofcamera,fromareaorlinescanto specialistsolutions Home Products Cameras Areascancameras TheImagingSourceIndustrialCameras Newmodels TheImagingSourceIndustrialCameras IndustrialareascancameraswithGigEandUSBinterfaces Overview Products Download TheImagingSource'sIndustrialCamerasareequippedwithCMOSsensorsfromvariousmanufacturerssuchasSony,OnSemiconductorandAptinatoprovidethelatestlow-noiseandversatileportfolioofmachinevisionsolutions. TheGigabitEthernetstandardallowsforcablelengthsofupto100mandeasyimplementationofmulti-camerasystems,whiletheUSB3Visionstandardguaranteesstabilityandcompatibilityforeasyintegrationandflexibleconfigurationofthe"37"and"38"industrialcameraseries.ThisiscomplementedbytheUSB3.0familyincludingthe"23","27"and"33"industrialcameraseries. Thebuilt-inHiroseconnectorsupportsvariousI/Olikestrobesandtriggeroptions.Providingthisfeatureset,thecamerasareperfectlysuitedforawiderangeofapplications.The"38"cameraseriesalsooffersthefuture-orientedixIndustrialEthernetinterface,whichboastsahighshockandvibrationresistancecomparedtothecommonRJ45connectorduetotheintegratedlockingsystem. Cameraconfigurationandintegrationiseasyusingeitherthemanufacturer'sfreesoftwarelibraryortheCVBCameraSuiteincludedinthescopeofdeliveryfortheGigEVisionandUSB3Visioncompliantmodels. ReasonstochoosetheImagingSourceIndustrialCameras Openall| Closeall Largeselectionofsensors Resolutionsofupto20megapixelsandawiderangeofCMOSsensorsfrommanufacturerssuchasSonyPregiusandSTARVISsensors,aswellascost-optimisedsensorsfromONSemiconductor.TheImagingSource'sIndustrialseriesincludesglobalandrollingshutters,bothcolourandmonochromecameras,aswellasapolarisedmonochromesensor. Versatilesoftwareconnection ForWindowsoperatingsystemscameraconfigurationandintegrationiseasyusingeitherthemanufacturer'ssoftwaretoolsandlibrarieslikeICCapture,ICImagingortheCommonVisionBloxasaplatformindependenttooltoprovidereadytodeploytoolsformultipleapplications. TheImagingSourcewritesandsupportsopensourcedriversandend-usersoftwareforLinux,thesourcecodewaspublishedunderApache2.0license. Makingtheinvisiblevisiblewiththehelpofpolarisation ThePolarsenscameraisequippedwithaSony5.0megapixelIMX250MZR(monochrome)orIMX250YR(colour)CMOSsensor,whichfeaturesthelatestfour-directionalpolarisingfiltertechnologyfromSony.Thesensor’son-chipnanowirepolarisinglayersupportsfourorientations(0°,45°,90°,and135°).Eachpixelofthesensorcapturespolarisedlightinrelationtoitsspecificwire-gridaxis,enablingmultiplepolarisationimagingdatatobecollectedinasingleexposure. Polarisationimagingallowsareductioninthereflectionsthathinderasurfaceinspectionandcontrastenhancementinlowlightconditionstodetectshapes. Variousmaterialpropertiescanbedetectedthatcannotbeseenusingconventionalimaging.Theseincludestress,composition,orsurfacestructure.Applicationsinclude: Surfaceinspection(fordamage,flatness,scratches) Low-contrastimaging(e.gcarbonfibre,tires,weldingspots) Materialstressdetection Reducedreflectionimaging Specifications Sensor:SonyPregius/STARVIS,ONSemiCMOS ModelswithSONYPolarsensCMOSsensorwithpolarisationfiltertechnology Resolutions:fromVGAto20MP Framerates:upto539framespersecond Interface:GigE,USB3.0andUSB3.1Gen1interfaces Configuration:viaGenICamstandardforUSB3VisionandGigEVisioncompliantcameras Shutter:globalandrollingshutter Other:triggerandI/OshuttersignalsviaHIROSEconnectors Lensmount:C-,CS-orS-Mount Dimensions:29x29x43mmto36x36x25mm(WxHxD) CompatiblewithCommonVisionBlox MarketsandApplications High-speedmachinevisiontasks Productionautomation Qualityassuranceandinspection "Polarisationimagingrevealsthelight's3rd'dimension',thusmakingitusableformachinevision." Readmore Showproducts Spectralsensitivity Colour Monochrome Resolution(MP) All 0.01 0.1 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 40.0 to All 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 100.0 150.0 200.0 250.0 500 750 50000 Framerate(Hz) All <5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 200 250 300 500 to All 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 200 250 300 500 700 900 1000 2000 3500 20000 45000 Interface All GigabitEthernet USB Lensmount All C-Mount CS-Mount Interfaceconfiguration PoE GigEVision USB3Vision USB3.0 USB3.1 Sensorsize(mm) All 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 to All 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.0 20.0 21.0 22.0 23.0 24.0 25.0 26.0 27.0 28.0 29.0 30.0 31.0 32.0 33.0 34.0 35.0 36.0 37.0 38.0 39.0 40.0 41.0 42.0 43.0 44.0 45.0 46.0 47.0 48.0 49.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 Sensormodel All AR0134 ICX274 IMX174 IMX249 IMX264 MT9M021 MT9P006 MT9P031 MT9V024 Python1300 IMX304 MT9J003 AR0135 IMX265 IMX290 IMX273 Python1300 IMX250 IMX252 IMX287 IMX236 IMX178 IMX183 IMX253 IMX267 IMX255 AR0521 IMX540 IMX541 IMX542 Sensortype All CCD CMOS Shuttertype All Globalshutter/Progscan Rollingshutter Pixelsize(µm) All 0.1 1 2 3 4 5 6 to All 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Bitdepth 8 10 12 Horizontalres.(Px) All 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 to All 800 900 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000 13000 14000 15000 22000 26000 31000 40000 Verticalres.(Px) All 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1200 1400 1700 1900 2000 3000 4000 5000 to All 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1200 1400 1700 1900 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000 13000 16000 25000 Manufacturer All TheImagingSource Sensorconfiguration Singlesensor Sensorformat All 1/3" 3x1/3" 1/2.9" 1/2.8" 1/2.5" 1/2.3" 1/2" 1/1.8" 2/3" 1/1.2" 1" 1.1" 1.2" Housing standard Showadvancedfilters Hideadvancedfilters ofproductswerefound. productswerefound. Showall Model Resolution(MP) Framerate(Hz) Interface Lensmount Sensortype Horizontalres.(Px) Verticalres.(Px) Manufacturer Sensorformat TISDFK23GM021 Newmodel 1.2 60.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1280 960 TheImagingSource 1/3" TISDFK23GP031 Newmodel 5.0 15.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 2592 1944 TheImagingSource 1/2.5" TISDFK23GP1300 Newmodel 1.3 63.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1280 1024 TheImagingSource 1/2" TISDFK23GV024 Newmodel 0.4 100.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 752 480 TheImagingSource 1/3" TISDFK23U274 Newmodel 1.9 20.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CCD 1600 1200 TheImagingSource 1/1.8" TISDFK23UM021 Newmodel 1.2 60.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1280 960 TheImagingSource 1/3" TISDFK23UP031 Newmodel 5.0 15.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 2592 1944 TheImagingSource 1/2.5" TISDFK23UP1300 Newmodel 1.3 95.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1280 1024 TheImagingSource 1/2" TISDFK23UV024 Newmodel 0.4 100.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 752 480 TheImagingSource 1/3" TISDFK23UX174 Newmodel 2.3 54.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1920 1200 TheImagingSource 1/1.2" TISDFK23UX249 Newmodel 2.3 30.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1920 1200 TheImagingSource 1/1.2" TISDFK24UJ003 Newmodel 10.7 7.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 3856 2764 TheImagingSource 1/2.3" TISDFK27AUJ003 Newmodel 10.7 7.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 3856 2764 TheImagingSource 1/2.3" TISDFK27AUP006 Newmodel 5.0 15.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 2592 1944 TheImagingSource 1/2.5" TISDFK27AUR0135 Newmodel 1.2 60.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1280 960 TheImagingSource 1/3" TISDFK27BUJ003 Newmodel 10.7 7.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 3856 2764 TheImagingSource 1/2.3" TISDFK27BUP006 Newmodel 5.0 15.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 2592 1944 TheImagingSource 1/2.5" TISDFK27BUR0135 Newmodel 1.2 60.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1280 960 TheImagingSource 1/3" TISDFK33GJ003E Newmodel 10.7 11.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 3856 2764 TheImagingSource 1/2.3" TISDFK33GP006 Newmodel 5.0 15.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 2592 1944 TheImagingSource 1/2.5" TISDFK33GP1300 Newmodel 1.3 90.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1280 1024 TheImagingSource 1/2" TISDFK33GP1300E Newmodel 1.3 90.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1280 1024 TheImagingSource 1/2" TISDFK33GR0134 Newmodel 1.2 70.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1280 960 TheImagingSource 1/3" TISDFK33GR0521 Newmodel 5.0 22.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 2592 1944 TheImagingSource 1/2.5" TISDFK33GV024 Newmodel 0.4 100.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 752 480 TheImagingSource 1/3" TISDFK33GX174 Newmodel 2.3 50.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1920 1200 TheImagingSource 1/1.2" TISDFK33GX174E Newmodel 2.3 50.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1920 1200 TheImagingSource 1/1.2" TISDFK33GX178 Newmodel 6.3 19.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 3072 2048 TheImagingSource 1/1.8" TISDFK33GX178E Newmodel 6.3 19.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 3072 2048 TheImagingSource 1/1.8" TISDFK33GX183 Newmodel 20.0 6.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 5472 3648 TheImagingSource 1" TISDFK33GX249 Newmodel 2.3 30.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1920 1200 TheImagingSource 1/1.2" TISDFK33GX249E Newmodel 2.3 48.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1920 1200 TheImagingSource 1/1.2" TISDFK33GX264 Newmodel 5.0 24.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 2448 2048 TheImagingSource 2/3" TISDFK33GX264E Newmodel 5.0 24.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 2448 2048 TheImagingSource 2/3" TISDFK33GX265 Newmodel 3.1 36.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 2048 1536 TheImagingSource 1/1.8" TISDFK33GX265E Newmodel 3.1 36.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 2048 1536 TheImagingSource 1/1.8" TISDFK33GX273 Newmodel 1.6 75.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1440 1080 TheImagingSource 1/2.9" TISDFK33GX287 Newmodel 0.4 300.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 720 540 TheImagingSource 1/2.9" TISDFK33GX290 Newmodel 2.1 56.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1920 1080 TheImagingSource 1/2.8" TISDFK33GX290E Newmodel 2.1 56.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1920 1080 TheImagingSource 1/2.8" TISDFK33UP1300 Newmodel 1.3 210.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1280 1024 TheImagingSource 1/2" TISDFK33UR0521 Newmodel 5.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 2592 1944 TheImagingSource 1/2.5" TISDFK33UX174 Newmodel 2.3 162.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1920 1200 TheImagingSource 1/1.2" TISDFK33UX178 Newmodel 6.3 60.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 3072 2048 TheImagingSource 1/1.8" TISDFK33UX250 Newmodel 5.0 75.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 2448 2048 TheImagingSource 2/3" TISDFK33UX252 Newmodel 3.1 120.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 2048 1536 TheImagingSource 1/1.8" TISDFK33UX273 Newmodel 1.6 238.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1440 1080 TheImagingSource 1/2.9" TISDFK33UX287 Newmodel 0.4 539.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 720 540 TheImagingSource 1/2.9" TISDFK37AUX178 Newmodel 6.3 60.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 3072 2048 TheImagingSource 1/1.8" TISDFK37AUX250 Newmodel 5.0 75.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 2448 2048 TheImagingSource 2/3" TISDFK37AUX252 Newmodel 3.1 119.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 2048 1536 TheImagingSource 1/1.8" TISDFK37AUX264 Newmodel 5.0 38.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 2448 2048 TheImagingSource 2/3" TISDFK37AUX265 Newmodel 3.1 60.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 2048 1536 TheImagingSource 1/1.8" TISDFK37AUX273 Newmodel 1.6 238.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1440 1080 TheImagingSource 1/2.9" TISDFK37AUX287 Newmodel 0.4 539.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 720 540 TheImagingSource 1/2.9" TISDFK37AUX290 Newmodel 2.1 143.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1920 1080 TheImagingSource 1/2.8" TISDFK37BUX178 Newmodel 6.3 60.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 3072 2048 TheImagingSource 1/1.8" TISDFK37BUX250 Newmodel 5.0 75.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 2448 2048 TheImagingSource 2/3" TISDFK37BUX252 Newmodel 3.1 119.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 2048 1536 TheImagingSource 1/1.8" TISDFK37BUX264 Newmodel 5.0 38.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 2448 2048 TheImagingSource 2/3" TISDFK37BUX265 Newmodel 3.1 60.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 2048 1536 TheImagingSource 1/1.8" TISDFK37BUX273 Newmodel 1.6 238.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1440 1080 TheImagingSource 1/2.9" TISDFK37BUX287 Newmodel 0.4 539.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 720 540 TheImagingSource 1/2.9" TISDFK37BUX290 Newmodel 2.1 143.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1920 1080 TheImagingSource 1/2.8" TISDFK38GX267 Newmodel 8.8 13.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 4096 2160 TheImagingSource 1" TISDFK38GX304 Newmodel 12.3 9.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 4096 3000 TheImagingSource 1.1" TISDFK38UX255 Newmodel 8.8 42.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 4096 2160 TheImagingSource 1" TISDFK38UX304 Newmodel 12.3 26.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 4096 3000 TheImagingSource 1.1" TISDFK38UX540 Newmodel 24.5 15.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 5320 4600 TheImagingSource 1.2" TISDFKAFU420-CCS Newmodel 41.4 7.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 7716 5360 TheImagingSource 2/3" TISDMK23GM021 Newmodel 1.2 60.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1280 960 TheImagingSource 1/3" TISDMK23GP031 Newmodel 5.0 15.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 2592 1944 TheImagingSource 1/2.5" TISDMK23GP1300 Newmodel 1.3 63.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1280 1024 TheImagingSource 1/2" TISDMK23GV024 Newmodel 0.4 100.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 752 480 TheImagingSource 1/3" TISDMK23GX236 Newmodel 2.3 36.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1920 1200 TheImagingSource 1/2.8" TISDMK23UM021 Newmodel 1.2 60.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1280 960 TheImagingSource 1/3" TISDMK23UP031 Newmodel 5.0 15.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 2592 1944 TheImagingSource 1/2.5" TISDMK23UP1300 Newmodel 1.3 95.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1280 1024 TheImagingSource 1/2" TISDMK23UV024 Newmodel 0.4 100.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 752 480 TheImagingSource 1/3" TISDMK23UX174 Newmodel 2.3 54.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1920 1200 TheImagingSource 1/1.2" TISDMK23UX236 Newmodel 2.3 54.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1920 1200 TheImagingSource 1/2.8" TISDMK23UX249 Newmodel 2.3 30.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1920 1200 TheImagingSource 1/1.2" TISDMK27AUJ003 Newmodel 10.7 7.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 3856 2764 TheImagingSource 1/2.3" TISDMK27AUP031 Newmodel 5.0 15.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 2592 1944 TheImagingSource 1/2.5" TISDMK27AUR0135 Newmodel 1.2 60.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1280 960 TheImagingSource 1/3" TISDMK27BUJ003 Newmodel 10.7 7.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 3856 2764 TheImagingSource 1/2.3" TISDMK27BUP031 Newmodel 5.0 15.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 2592 1944 TheImagingSource 1/2.5" TISDMK27BUR0135 Newmodel 1.2 60.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1280 960 TheImagingSource 1/3" TISDMK33GJ003E Newmodel 10.7 11.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 3856 2764 TheImagingSource 1/2.3" TISDMK33GP031 Newmodel 5.0 15.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 2592 1944 TheImagingSource 1/2.5" TISDMK33GP1300 Newmodel 1.3 90.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1280 1024 TheImagingSource 1/2" TISDMK33GP1300E Newmodel 1.3 90.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1280 1024 TheImagingSource 1/2" TISDMK33GR0134 Newmodel 1.2 70.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1280 960 TheImagingSource 1/3" TISDMK33GR0521 Newmodel 5.0 22.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 2592 1944 TheImagingSource 1/2.5" TISDMK33GV024 Newmodel 0.4 100.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 752 480 TheImagingSource 1/3" TISDMK33GX174 Newmodel 2.3 50.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1920 1200 TheImagingSource 1/1.2" TISDMK33GX174E Newmodel 2.3 50.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1920 1200 TheImagingSource 1/1.2" TISDMK33GX178 Newmodel 6.3 19.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 3072 2048 TheImagingSource 1/1.8" TISDMK33GX178E Newmodel 6.3 19.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 3072 2048 TheImagingSource 1/1.8" TISDMK33GX183 Newmodel 20.0 6.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 5472 3648 TheImagingSource 1" TISDMK33GX236 Newmodel 2.3 50.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1920 1200 TheImagingSource 1/2.8" TISDMK33GX249 Newmodel 2.3 30.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1920 1200 TheImagingSource 1/1.2" TISDMK33GX249E Newmodel 2.3 48.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1920 1200 TheImagingSource 1/1.2" TISDMK33GX264 Newmodel 5.0 24.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 2448 2048 TheImagingSource 2/3" TISDMK33GX264E Newmodel 5.0 24.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 2448 2048 TheImagingSource 2/3" TISDMK33GX265 Newmodel 3.1 36.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 2048 1536 TheImagingSource 1/1.8" TISDMK33GX265E Newmodel 3.1 36.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 2048 1536 TheImagingSource 1/1.8" TISDMK33GX273 Newmodel 1.6 75.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1440 1080 TheImagingSource 1/2.9" TISDMK33GX287 Newmodel 0.4 300.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 720 540 TheImagingSource 1/2.9" TISDMK33GX290 Newmodel 2.1 56.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1920 1080 TheImagingSource 1/2.8" TISDMK33GX290E Newmodel 2.1 56.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1920 1080 TheImagingSource 1/2.8" TISDMK33UJ003 Newmodel 10.7 14.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 3856 2764 TheImagingSource 1/2.3" TISDMK33UP1300 Newmodel 1.3 210.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1280 1024 TheImagingSource 1/2" TISDMK33UR0521 Newmodel 5.0 60.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 2592 1944 TheImagingSource 1/2.5" TISDMK33UX174 Newmodel 2.3 60.0, 162.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1920 1200 TheImagingSource 1/1.2" TISDMK33UX178 Newmodel 6.3 60.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 3072 2048 TheImagingSource 1/1.8" TISDMK33UX183 Newmodel 20.0 18.0, 60.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 5472 3648 TheImagingSource 1" TISDMK33UX249 Newmodel 2.3 48.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1920 1200 TheImagingSource 1/1.2" TISDMK33UX250 Newmodel 5.0 75.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 2448 2048 TheImagingSource 2/3" TISDMK33UX252 Newmodel 3.1 120.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 2048 1536 TheImagingSource 1/1.8" TISDMK33UX264 Newmodel 5.0 38.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 2448 2048 TheImagingSource 2/3" TISDMK33UX265 Newmodel 3.1 60.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 2048 1536 TheImagingSource 1/1.8" TISDMK33UX273 Newmodel 1.6 238.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1440 1080 TheImagingSource 1/2.9" TISDMK33UX287 Newmodel 0.4 539.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 720 540 TheImagingSource 1/2.9" TISDMK33UX290 Newmodel 2.1 143.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1920 1080 TheImagingSource 1/2.8" TISDMK37AUX178 Newmodel 6.3 60.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 3072 2048 TheImagingSource 1/1.8" TISDMK37AUX250 Newmodel 5.0 75.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 2448 2048 TheImagingSource 2/3" TISDMK37AUX252 Newmodel 3.1 119.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 2048 1536 TheImagingSource 1/1.8" TISDMK37AUX264 Newmodel 5.0 38.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 2448 2048 TheImagingSource 2/3" TISDMK37AUX265 Newmodel 3.1 60.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 2048 1536 TheImagingSource 1/1.8" TISDMK37AUX273 Newmodel 1.6 238.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1440 1080 TheImagingSource 1/2.9" TISDMK37AUX287 Newmodel 0.4 539.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 720 540 TheImagingSource 1/2.9" TISDMK37AUX290 Newmodel 2.1 143.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1920 1080 TheImagingSource 1/2.8" TISDMK37BUX178 Newmodel 6.3 60.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 3072 2048 TheImagingSource 1/1.8" TISDMK37BUX250 Newmodel 5.0 75.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 2448 2048 TheImagingSource 2/3" TISDMK37BUX252 Newmodel 3.1 119.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 2048 1536 TheImagingSource 1/1.8" TISDMK37BUX264 Newmodel 5.0 38.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 2448 2048 TheImagingSource 2/3" TISDMK37BUX265 Newmodel 3.1 60.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 2048 1536 TheImagingSource 1/1.8" TISDMK37BUX273 Newmodel 1.6 238.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1440 1080 TheImagingSource 1/2.9" TISDMK37BUX287 Newmodel 0.4 539.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 720 540 TheImagingSource 1/2.9" TISDMK37BUX290 Newmodel 2.1 143.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 1920 1080 TheImagingSource 1/2.8" TISDMK38GX267 Newmodel 8.8 13.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 4096 2160 TheImagingSource 1" TISDMK38GX304 Newmodel 12.3 9.0 GigabitEthernet C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 4096 3000 TheImagingSource 1.1" TISDMK38UX253 Newmodel 12.3 30.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 4096 3000 TheImagingSource 1.1" TISDMK38UX255 Newmodel 8.8 42.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 4096 2160 TheImagingSource 1" TISDMK38UX267 Newmodel 8.8 35.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 4096 2160 TheImagingSource 1" TISDMK38UX304 Newmodel 12.3 26.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 4096 3000 TheImagingSource 1.1" TISDMK38UX540 Newmodel 24.5 15.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 5320 4600 TheImagingSource 1.2" TISDMK38UX541 Newmodel 18.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 4504 4504 TheImagingSource 1.1" TISDMK38UX542 Newmodel 16.1 23.0 USB C-Mount, CS-Mount CMOS 5320 3032 TheImagingSource 1.1" Unfortunately,noproductswerefoundmatchingyourselectedcriteria.Pleaseuseadifferentsetoffilters. 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- 2The Imaging Source - 相機- 睿怡科技股份有限公司
自1990年成立以來,The Imaging Source 兆鎂新已成為全球製造工業相機、影像擷取卡及視訊 ... TIS-USB 3.1 工業相機-38系列 ... USB 3.1 CMOS ...
- 3The Imaging Source 機器視覺軟體
The Imaging Source 兆鎂新編制驅動程序,開發工具包軟體(SDK)、程式開發範例、 ... 我們全方位的產品系列包括了USB 3.1、USB 3.0、USB 2.0、GigE、M...
- 4The Imaging Source Cameras & Pricing - Lore ⁺ Technology
The Imaging Source USB 3.1 color board cameras offer up to 6 megapixel resolution and are ideal f...
- 5The Imaging Source Industrial Cameras
Industrial cameras with GigE and USB interfaces in compact format with outstanding image quality ...