出國買咖啡糗大了!外國店員問How do you take coffee,你卻 ...
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- 1"I am having coffe" 和"I have a coffee" 的差別在哪裡? | HiNative
I am having coffe的同義字"I am having coffee" - can be said when asked what you would like to drink (...
- 2a cup of coffee中文翻譯,a cup of coffee是什麼意思:比較好;要被 ...
drain the cup of life to the bottom [dregs] 備嘗辛酸;享盡快樂。 have had (got) a cup too much 〔俚語〕喝醉了。 in ...
- 3have a coffee - 英中– Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"have a coffee" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
- 4“How do you take your coffee?” 不是問你要怎麼「拿」你的咖啡
結果他回答:"Can I have a bag?” 可不可以給我個 ... 例如:I don't take sugar in coffee. 我喝咖啡不 ... Go easy on…相當於中文...
- 5Curious - 英語島
【Debug】How do you make your coffee?! ... How do you take your coffee? ... Receive salary像中文直譯,不自然...