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Monk (2002–2009). TV-PG | 44 min | Comedy, Crime, Drama. 8.0. 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TheOrville (2017–) NC16 | 44min | Adventure,Comedy,Drama 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X Set400yearsinthefuture,findsthecrewoftheU.S.S.Orvillecontinuingtheirmissionofexploration,astheynavigateboththemysteriesoftheuniverseandthecomplexitiesoftheirowninterpersonalrelationships. Stars: SethMacFarlane, AdriannePalicki, PennyJohnsonJerald, ScottGrimes Votes: 79,182 2. AmericanHorrorStory (2011–) R21 | 60min | Drama,Horror,Sci-Fi 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X Ananthologyseriescenteringondifferentcharactersandlocations,includingahousewithamurderouspast,aninsaneasylum,awitchcoven,afreakshowcircus,ahauntedhotel,apossessedfarmhouse,acult,theapocalypse,aslashersummercamp,andableakbeachtownanddesertvalley. Stars: LadyGaga, KathyBates, AngelaBassett, SarahPaulson Votes: 310,301 3. TheBlacklist (2013–) NC16 | 43min | Crime,Drama,Mystery 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X AnewFBIprofiler,ElizabethKeen,hasherentirelifeuprootedwhenamysteriouscriminal,RaymondReddington,whohaseludedcapturefordecades,turnshimselfinandinsistsonspeakingonlytoher. Stars: JamesSpader, MeganBoone, DiegoKlattenhoff, RyanEggold Votes: 243,237 4. RRR(RiseRoarRevolt) (2022) NC16 | 187min | Action,Drama 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X 83 Metascore Afictitiousstoryabouttwolegendaryrevolutionariesandtheirjourneyawayfromhomebeforetheystartedfightingfortheircountryin1920s. Director: S.S.Rajamouli | Stars: N.T.RamaRaoJr., RamCharan, AjayDevgn, AliaBhatt Votes: 90,715 5. BladeRunner2049 (2017) M18 | 164min | Action,Drama,Mystery 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X 81 Metascore YoungBladeRunnerK'sdiscoveryofalong-buriedsecretleadshimtotrackdownformerBladeRunnerRickDeckard,who'sbeenmissingforthirtyyears. Director: DenisVilleneuve | Stars: HarrisonFord, RyanGosling, AnadeArmas, DaveBautista Votes: 552,152 |Gross: $92.05M 6. Dune:PartOne (2021) PG13 | 155min | Action,Adventure,Drama 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X 74 Metascore Anoblefamilybecomesembroiledinawarforcontroloverthegalaxy'smostvaluableassetwhileitsheirbecomestroubledbyvisionsofadarkfuture. Director: DenisVilleneuve | Stars: TimothéeChalamet, RebeccaFerguson, Zendaya, OscarIsaac Votes: 596,134 |Gross: $108.33M 7. ChicagoFire (2012–) 43min | Action,Drama 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X ThestoryoffirefightersandparamedicsinthecityofChicago,bothonapersonalandprofessionallevel. Stars: TaylorKinney, ChristianStolte, EamonnWalker, JoeMinoso Votes: 56,162 8. Deadpool (2016) M18 | 108min | Action,Adventure,Comedy 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X 65 Metascore Awisecrackingmercenarygetsexperimentedonandbecomesimmortalbutugly,andsetsouttotrackdownthemanwhoruinedhislooks. Director: TimMiller | Stars: RyanReynolds, MorenaBaccarin, T.J.Miller, EdSkrein Votes: 1,012,219 |Gross: $363.07M 9. SolarOpposites (2020–) M18 | 22min | Animation,Comedy,Sci-Fi 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X AfamilyofaliensmovetomiddleAmerica,wheretheydebatewhetherlifeisbetterthereorontheirhomeplanet. Stars: JustinRoiland, ThomasMiddleditch, SeanGiambrone, MaryMack Votes: 21,669 10. TheRookie (2018–) PG13 | 43min | Action,Crime,Drama 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X Startingoverisn'teasy,especiallyforJohnNolanwho,afteralife-alteringincident,ispursuinghisdreamofjoiningtheLAPD.Astheiroldestrookie,he'smetwithskepticismfromthosewhoseehimasjustawalkingmidlifecrisis. Stars: NathanFillion, AlyssaDiaz, RichardT.Jones, MelissaO'Neil Votes: 37,109 11. JackRyan (2018–) NC16 | 60min | Action,Drama,Thriller 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X Up-and-comingCIAanalyst,JackRyan,isthrustintoadangerousfieldassignmentafterheuncoversapatterninterroristcommunicationthatlauncheshimintothecenterofadangerousgambit. Stars: JohnKrasinski, WendellPierce, JohnHoogenakker, AbbieCornish Votes: 114,921 12. Monk (2002–2009) PG | 44min | Comedy,Crime,Drama 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X TheseriesfollowsAdrianMonk,abrilliantformerSanFranciscodetective,whonowconsultsthepoliceasaprivateconsultantwhobattleswithanobsessive-compulsivedisorder. Stars: TonyShalhoub, JasonGray-Stanford, TedLevine, TraylorHoward Votes: 74,534 13. GuardiansoftheGalaxy (2014) PG13 | 121min | Action,Adventure,Comedy 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X 76 Metascore Agroupofintergalacticcriminalsmustpulltogethertostopafanaticalwarriorwithplanstopurgetheuniverse. Director: JamesGunn | Stars: ChrisPratt, VinDiesel, BradleyCooper, ZoeSaldana Votes: 1,155,581 |Gross: $333.18M 14. CODA (2021) NC16 | 111min | Comedy,Drama,Music 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X 74 Metascore AsaCODA(ChildofDeafAdults)Rubyistheonlyhearingpersoninherdeaffamily.Whenthefamily'sfishingbusinessisthreatened,RubyfindsherselftornbetweenpursuingherpassionatBerkleeCollegeofMusicandherfearofabandoningherparents. Director: SianHeder | Stars: EmiliaJones, MarleeMatlin, TroyKotsur, DanielDurant Votes: 119,636 15. Ojing-eogeim (2021–) M18 | 55min | Action,Drama,Mystery 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X Hundredsofcash-strappedplayersacceptastrangeinvitationtocompeteinchildren'sgames.Inside,atemptingprizeawaitswithdeadlyhighstakes.Asurvivalgamethathasawhopping45.6billion-wonprizeatstake. Stars: LeeJung-jae, ParkHae-soo, Hoyeon, OhYeong-su Votes: 428,416 16. TokyoVice (2022–) M18 | 60min | Crime,Drama,Thriller 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X AWesternjournalistworkingforapublicationinTokyotakesononeofthecity'smostpowerfulcrimebosses. Stars: AnselElgort, KenWatanabe, RachelKeller, ShôKasamatsu Votes: 22,099 17. Gunsmoke (1955–1975) PG | 60min | Western 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X MarshalMattDillonkeepsthepeaceinrough-and-tumbleDodgeCity. Stars: JamesArness, MilburnStone, AmandaBlake, KenCurtis Votes: 7,101 18. ZackSnyder'sJusticeLeague (2021) NC16 | 242min | Action,Adventure,Fantasy 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X 54 Metascore DeterminedtoensureSuperman'sultimatesacrificewasnotinvain,BruceWaynealignsforceswithDianaPrincewithplanstorecruitateamofmetahumanstoprotecttheworldfromanapproachingthreatofcatastrophicproportions. Director: ZackSnyder | Stars: HenryCavill, BenAffleck, GalGadot, AmyAdams Votes: 385,386 19. TheAvengers (2012) PG | 143min | Action,Adventure,Sci-Fi 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X 69 Metascore Earth'smightiestheroesmustcometogetherandlearntofightasateamiftheyaregoingtostopthemischievousLokiandhisalienarmyfromenslavinghumanity. Director: JossWhedon | Stars: RobertDowneyJr., ChrisEvans, ScarlettJohansson, JeremyRenner Votes: 1,369,469 |Gross: $623.28M 20. ReservationDogs (2021–) NC16 | 30min | Comedy,Crime 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X ComedyseriesaboutfourNativeAmericanteenagersgrowinguponareservationineasternOklahoma. Stars: DeveryJacobs, D'PharaohWoon-A-Tai, LaneFactor, PaulinaAlexis Votes: 11,896 21. ThePrincessBride (1987) PG | 98min | Adventure,Family,Fantasy 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X 77 Metascore Whilehomesickinbed,ayoungboy'sgrandfatherreadshimthestoryofafarmboy-turned-piratewhoencountersnumerousobstacles,enemiesandalliesinhisquesttobereunitedwithhistruelove. Director: RobReiner | Stars: CaryElwes, MandyPatinkin, RobinWright, ChrisSarandon Votes: 423,892 |Gross: $30.86M 22. Her (2013) M18 | 126min | Drama,Romance,Sci-Fi 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X 91 Metascore Inanearfuture,alonelywriterdevelopsanunlikelyrelationshipwithanoperatingsystemdesignedtomeethiseveryneed. Director: SpikeJonze | Stars: JoaquinPhoenix, AmyAdams, ScarlettJohansson, RooneyMara Votes: 601,315 |Gross: $25.57M 23. BlackSwan (2010) R21 | 108min | Drama,Thriller 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X 79 Metascore AcommitteddancerstrugglestomaintainhersanityafterwinningtheleadroleinaproductionofTchaikovsky's"SwanLake". Director: DarrenAronofsky | Stars: NataliePortman, MilaKunis, VincentCassel, WinonaRyder Votes: 754,425 |Gross: $106.95M 24. TheGildedAge (2022–) M18 | 81min | Drama 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X Awide-eyedyoungscionofaconservativefamilyembarksonamissiontoinfiltratethewealthyneighboringclandominatedbyruthlessrailroadtycoonGeorgeRussell,hisrakishson,Larry,andhisambitiouswife,Bertha. Stars: BenAhlers, CeliaKeenan-Bolger, DebraMonk, KelliO'Hara Votes: 22,118 25. NewAmsterdam (2018–) NC16 | 43min | Drama 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X AnewmedicaldirectorbreakstherulestohealthesystematAmerica'soldestpublichospital. Stars: RyanEggold, JanetMontgomery, FreemaAgyeman, JockoSims Votes: 36,686 26. LaLaLand (2016) PG13 | 128min | Comedy,Drama,Music 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X 94 Metascore WhilenavigatingtheircareersinLosAngeles,apianistandanactressfallinlovewhileattemptingtoreconciletheiraspirationsforthefuture. Director: DamienChazelle | Stars: RyanGosling, EmmaStone, RosemarieDeWitt, J.K.Simmons Votes: 573,710 |Gross: $151.10M 27. SinCity (2005) R | 124min | Crime,Thriller 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X 74 Metascore AnexplorationofthedarkandmiserableBasinCityandthreeofitsresidents,allofwhomarecaughtupinviolentcorruption. Directors: FrankMiller, QuentinTarantino, RobertRodriguez | Stars: MickeyRourke, CliveOwen, BruceWillis, JessicaAlba Votes: 764,083 |Gross: $74.10M 28. TheGoldbergs (2013–) 22min | Comedy 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X ThisABCshowtakesplaceinJenkintown,Pennsylvaniainthe1980sandfollowsthelivesofafamilynamedTheGoldbergs. Stars: WendiMcLendon-Covey, SeanGiambrone, TroyGentile, HayleyOrrantia Votes: 37,026 29. GoodOmens (2019–2022) NC16 | 328min | Comedy,Fantasy 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X AtaleofthebunglingofArmageddonfeaturesanangel,ademon,aneleven-year-oldAntichrist,andadoom-sayingwitch. Stars: DavidTennant, MichaelSheen, FrancesMcDormand, SamTaylorBuck Votes: 74,272 30. DonnieDarko (2001) NC-16 | 113min | Drama,Mystery,Sci-Fi 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X 88 Metascore Afternarrowlyescapingabizarreaccident,atroubledteenagerisplaguedbyvisionsofamaninalargerabbitsuitwhomanipulateshimtocommitaseriesofcrimes. Director: RichardKelly | Stars: JakeGyllenhaal, JenaMalone, MaryMcDonnell, HolmesOsborne Votes: 790,606 |Gross: $1.48M 31. CasinoRoyale (2006) PG | 144min | Action,Adventure,Thriller 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X 80 Metascore Afterearning00statusandalicencetokill,secretagentJamesBondsetsoutonhisfirstmissionas007.Bondmustdefeataprivatebankerfundingterroristsinahigh-stakesgameofpokeratCasinoRoyale,Montenegro. Director: MartinCampbell | Stars: DanielCraig, EvaGreen, JudiDench, JeffreyWright Votes: 650,429 |Gross: $167.45M 32. StarWars:Rebels (2014–2018) PG | 22min | Animation,Action,Adventure 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X AbraveandcleverragtagstarshipcrewstandsupagainsttheevilEmpireasittightensitsgriponthegalaxyandhuntsdownthelastoftheJediKnights. Stars: DaveFiloni, TaylorGray, FreddiePrinzeJr., VanessaMarshall Votes: 42,551 33. HowtoChangeYourMind (2022) R21 | 212min | Documentary 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X Itshowcaseswhatpsychedelicsteachespeopleaboutconsciousness,dying,addiction,depressionandtranscendence. Stars: MichaelPollan, ErikaGagnon, PaulDaley, KathleenKral Votes: 1,135 34. TheRevenant (2015) M18 | 156min | Action,Adventure,Drama 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X 76 Metascore Afrontiersmanonafurtradingexpeditioninthe1820sfightsforsurvivalafterbeingmauledbyabearandleftfordeadbymembersofhisownhuntingteam. Director: AlejandroG.Iñárritu | Stars: LeonardoDiCaprio, TomHardy, WillPoulter, DomhnallGleeson Votes: 788,065 |Gross: $183.64M 35. DeadtoMe (2019–2022) M18 | 30min | Comedy,Crime,Drama 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X Aseriesaboutapowerfulfriendshipthatblossomsbetweenatightlywoundwidowandafreespiritwithashockingsecret. Stars: LukeRoessler, ChristinaApplegate, LindaCardellini, SamMcCarthy Votes: 75,315 36. BurnNotice (2007–2013) NC16 | 44min | Action,Crime,Drama 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X AspyrecentlydisavowedbytheU.S.governmentuseshisspecialopstrainingtohelpothersintrouble. Stars: JeffreyDonovan, GabrielleAnwar, BruceCampbell, SharonGless Votes: 74,083 37. WhatEverHappenedtoBabyJane? (1962) 134min | Drama,Horror,Thriller 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X 75 Metascore AformerchildstartormentsherparaplegicsisterintheirdecayingHollywoodmansion. Director: RobertAldrich | Stars: BetteDavis, JoanCrawford, VictorBuono, WesleyAddy Votes: 55,861 |Gross: $4.05M 38. TheImitationGame (2014) NC16 | 114min | Biography,Drama,Thriller 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X 71 Metascore DuringWorldWarII,theEnglishmathematicalgeniusAlanTuringtriestocracktheGermanEnigmacodewithhelpfromfellowmathematicianswhileattemptingtocometotermswithhistroubledprivatelife. Director: MortenTyldum | Stars: BenedictCumberbatch, KeiraKnightley, MatthewGoode, AllenLeech Votes: 757,482 |Gross: $91.13M 39. Zootopia (2016) PG | 108min | Animation,Adventure,Comedy 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X 78 Metascore Inacityofanthropomorphicanimals,arookiebunnycopandacynicalconartistfoxmustworktogethertouncoveraconspiracy. Directors: ByronHoward, RichMoore, JaredBush | Stars: GinniferGoodwin, JasonBateman, IdrisElba, JennySlate Votes: 489,057 |Gross: $341.27M 40. ThePerksofBeingaWallflower (2012) NC-16 | 103min | Drama,Romance 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X 67 Metascore Anintrovertfreshmanistakenunderthewingsoftwoseniorswhowelcomehimtotherealworld. Director: StephenChbosky | Stars: LoganLerman, EmmaWatson, EzraMiller, PaulRudd Votes: 504,004 |Gross: $17.74M 41. TheMartian (2015) PG13 | 144min | Adventure,Drama,Sci-Fi 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X 80 Metascore AnastronautbecomesstrandedonMarsafterhisteamassumehimdead,andmustrelyonhisingenuitytofindawaytosignaltoEarththatheisaliveandcansurviveuntilapotentialrescue. Director: RidleyScott | Stars: MattDamon, JessicaChastain, KristenWiig, KateMara Votes: 838,026 |Gross: $228.43M 42. TheIncredibles (2004) PG | 115min | Animation,Action,Adventure 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X 90 Metascore Whiletryingtoleadaquietsuburbanlife,afamilyofundercoversuperheroesareforcedintoactiontosavetheworld. Director: BradBird | Stars: CraigT.Nelson, SamuelL.Jackson, HollyHunter, JasonLee Votes: 722,342 |Gross: $261.44M 43. Shameless (2004–2013) R21 | 90min | Comedy,Crime,Drama 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X ThelivesandrelationshipsofagroupofsiblingsandtheirestrangedfatherFrankGallagheronaroughManchesterestate. Stars: DavidThrelfall, RebeccaAtkinson, AliceBarry, NickyEvans Votes: 16,775 44. GodfatherofHarlem (2019–) M18 | 55min | Crime,Drama 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X AgangsternamedBumpyJohnsonmakeshiswayinHarlemduringthe1960s.ATVprequeltothe2007film,'AmericanGangster',whichcenteredonthecriminalenterpriseofFrankLucas. Stars: ForestWhitaker, NigelThatch, IlfeneshHadera, LucyFry Votes: 13,525 45. Magnolia (1999) R(A) | 188min | Drama 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X 77 Metascore Anepicmosaicofinterrelatedcharactersinsearchoflove,forgiveness,andmeaningintheSanFernandoValley. Director: PaulThomasAnderson | Stars: TomCruise, JasonRobards, JulianneMoore, PhilipSeymourHoffman Votes: 310,463 |Gross: $22.46M 46. Love,Victor (2020–2022) R21 | 30min | Comedy,Drama,Romance 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X VictorisanewstudentatCreekwoodHighSchoolonhisownjourneyofself-discovery,facingchallengesathome,adjustingtoanewcity,andstrugglingwithhissexualorientation. Stars: MichaelCimino, RachelHilson, AnthonyTurpel, BebeWood Votes: 17,008 47. Aladdin (1992) G | 90min | Animation,Adventure,Comedy 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X 86 Metascore Akindheartedstreeturchinandapower-hungryGrandViziervieforamagiclampthathasthepowertomaketheirdeepestwishescometrue. Directors: RonClements, JohnMusker | Stars: ScottWeinger, RobinWilliams, LindaLarkin, JonathanFreeman Votes: 410,987 |Gross: $217.35M 48. Travelers (2016–2018) M18 | 45min | Drama,Mystery,Sci-Fi 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X Hundredsofyearsfromnow,survivinghumansdiscoverhowtosendconsciousnessbackthroughtime,intopeopleofthe21stcentury,whileattemptingtochangethepathofhumanity. Stars: EricMcCormack, MacKenziePorter, NestaCooper, JaredAbrahamson Votes: 55,627 49. KillBill:Vol.2 (2004) M18 | 137min | Action,Crime,Thriller 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X 83 Metascore TheBridecontinuesherquestofvengeanceagainstherformerbossandloverBill,thereclusivebouncerBudd,andthetreacherous,one-eyedElle. Director: QuentinTarantino | Stars: UmaThurman, DavidCarradine, MichaelMadsen, DarylHannah Votes: 744,699 |Gross: $66.21M 50. Soul (2020) PG | 100min | Animation,Adventure,Comedy 8.0 Ratethis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8/10 X 83 Metascore Afterlandingthegigofalifetime,aNewYorkjazzpianistsuddenlyfindshimselftrappedinastrangelandbetweenEarthandtheafterlife. Directors: PeteDocter, KempPowers | Stars: JamieFoxx, TinaFey, GrahamNorton, RachelHouse Votes: 317,143 1-50of40,324titles. |Next»
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