华丽的英文怎么说_华丽的英文_沪江英语 - 沪江网校
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华丽的英文: gorgeous magnificent galant flamboyance. 参考例句:. At the end, there was a beautiful palace all of gold and ivory and jewels ... 华丽的英文怎么说 2012-06-3005:30 本文支持点词翻译Poweredby沪江小D 华丽的英文:gorgeousmagnificentgalantflamboyance参考例句:Attheend,therewas
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華麗的詞藻的英文例句. The school principal gave a flowery speech that hardly anyone understood. The thesis ...
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華麗的的用法和樣例:. 例句. 導遊把我們的注意力引向華麗的雕刻鑲木上。 The guide drew our attention ...
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