Ignorant | Definition of Ignorant by Merriam-Webster
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Ignorant definition is - destitute of knowledge or education; also : lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified. How to use ignorant in a sentence. Login or Register Hello, GAMES BROWSETHESAURUS WORDOFTHEDAY WORDSATPLAY SETTINGS
- 1「原來,我是一個生活優渥幸運的白目人」 談談Ignorant與 ...
- 2Ignorant | Definition of Ignorant by Merriam-Webster
Ignorant definition is - destitute of knowledge or education; also : lacking knowledge or compreh...
- 3ignorant-無知|經理人
ignorant是無知的意思,當形容詞,名詞是ignorance。「無知的人」可以用ignoramus。 英文中還有許多類似的單字可以形容無知,如: - informed是「見多識廣 ...
- 4ignorant中文,ignorant是什麼意思,ignorant發音和翻譯::無知識 ...
- 5ignorant (【形容詞】) 意思、用法及發音| Engoo Words
"ignorant" 例句. Regarding computers, he is totally ignorant.