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Ao Shin the Storm Dragon Avasha Averdrian CeeCee ... 英雄联盟维基 导航 首页 讨论 所有页面 社区 互动式地图 最新博文 英雄联盟 英雄 免費英雄輪換 背景故事 游戏技巧 技能数据 轶事 皮肤 地图 召唤师峡谷 扭曲丛林 水晶之痕 试炼之地 熔岩地區 物品 初始 基础 史诗 傳說 神话 消耗品 已移除物品 小兵 近戰小兵 遠程小兵 攻城小兵 超級小兵 符文 召唤师技能 聯盟戰棋 英雄 道具 聯盟精靈 社區 遊戲幫助 術語 快捷鍵與命令 幫助中心 最新博客 FANDOM 游戏 电影 电视 wiki 探索wiki 社区中心 创建wiki 注册 尚未注册? 登录 Advertisement 分类: Lists、​Champions 不转换 简体 繁體 大陆简体 香港繁體 澳門繁體 大马简体 新加坡简体 臺灣正體 中文 Deutsch English Español Français Polski Русский 英雄一览 编辑 编辑源代码 历史 讨论(0) 以下列表将显示所有英雄的名称、分类、发布日期、购买价格等信息。


英雄列表[] 颜色标签 说明 绿色(1) 第一次降价(蓝色精萃或点券) 绿色(2) 第二次降价(蓝色精萃或点券) 红色 即将降价(蓝色精萃或点券) Orange 加入综合礼包中(美服) Blue 加入英雄礼包中(美服) 英雄 主要定位 次要定位 發布日期 近期改动版本 蓝色精粹 点券 Aatrox theDarkinBlade Juggernaut 2013-06-13 V11.19 4800 880 Ahri theNine-TailedFox Burst 2011-12-14 V11.11 3150 790 Akali theRogueAssassin Assassin 2010-05-11 V11.22 3150 790 Alistar theMinotaur Vanguard 2009-02-21 V11.11 1350 585 Amumu theSadMummy Vanguard 2009-06-26 V11.20 450 260 Anivia theCryophoenix Battlemage 2009-07-10 V11.20 3150 790 Annie theDarkChild Burst 2009-02-21 V11.15 450 260 Aphelios theWeaponoftheFaithful Marksman 2019-12-11 V11.18 6300 975 Ashe theFrostArcher Marksman 2009-02-21 V11.18 450 260 AurelionSol,TheStarForger Battlemage 2016-03-24 V11.21 6300 975 Azir theEmperoroftheSands Specialist 2014-09-16 V11.22 4800 880 Bard theWanderingCaretaker Catcher 2015-03-12 V11.21 4800 880 Blitzcrank theGreatSteamGolem Catcher 2009-09-02 V11.21 3150 790 Brand theBurningVengeance Burst 2011-04-12 V11.7 4800 880 Braum theHeartoftheFreljord Warden 2014-05-12 V11.19 4800 880 Caitlyn theSheriffofPiltover Marksman 2011-01-04 V11.17 4800 880 Camille theSteelShadow Diver 2016-12-07 V11.21 6300 975 Cassiopeia theSerpent'sEmbrace Battlemage 2010-12-14 V11.15 4800 880 Cho'Gath theTerroroftheVoid Specialist 2009-06-26 V11.20 1350 585 Corki theDaringBombardier Marksman 2009-09-19 V11.8 3150 790 Darius theHandofNoxus Juggernaut 2012-05-23 V11.21 4800 880 Diana,ScornoftheMoon Assassin Diver 2012-08-07 V11.16 4800 880 Dr.Mundo theMadmanofZaun Juggernaut 2009-09-02 V11.21 450 260 Draven theGloriousExecutioner Marksman 2012-06-06 V11.18 4800 880 Ekko theBoyWhoShatteredTime Assassin 2015-05-29 V11.18 4800 880 Elise theSpiderQueen Diver 2012-10-26 V11.20 4800 880 Evelynn,Agony'sEmbrace Assassin 2009-05-01 V11.17 1350 585 Ezreal theProdigalExplorer Marksman 2010-03-16 V11.21 3150 790 Fiddlesticks theAncientFear Specialist 2009-02-21 V11.22 1350 585 Fiora theGrandDuelist Skirmisher 2012-02-29 V11.19 4800 880 Fizz theTidalTrickster Assassin 2011-11-15 V11.19 4800 880 Galio theColossus Warden 2010-08-10 V11.19 3150 790 Gangplank theSaltwaterScourge Specialist 2009-08-19 V11.21 3150 790 Garen,TheMightofDemacia Juggernaut 2010-04-27 V11.21 450 260 Gnar theMissingLink Specialist 2014-08-14 V11.13 4800 880 Gragas theRabbleRouser Vanguard 2010-02-02 V11.19 3150 790 Graves theOutlaw Specialist 2011-10-19 V11.22 4800 880 Gwen,TheHallowedSeamstress Skirmisher 2021-04-15 V11.19 6300 975 Hecarim theShadowofWar Diver 2012-04-18 V11.21 4800 880 Heimerdinger theReveredInventor Specialist 2009-10-10 V11.9 3150 790 Illaoi theKrakenPriestess Juggernaut 2015-11-24 V11.15 6300 975 Irelia theBladeDancer Diver 2010-11-16 V11.20 4800 880 Ivern theGreenFather Catcher 2016-10-05 V11.16 6300 975 Janna theStorm'sFury Enchanter 2009-09-02 V11.18 1350 585 JarvanIV theExemplarofDemacia Diver 2011-03-01 V11.20 4800 880 Jax,GrandmasteratArms Skirmisher 2009-02-21 V11.5 1350 585 Jayce theDefenderofTomorrow Artillery 2012-07-07 V11.22 4800 880 Jhin theVirtuoso Marksman Catcher 2016-02-01 V11.16 6300 975 Jinx theLooseCannon Marksman 2013-10-10 V11.22 4800 880 Kai'Sa,DaughteroftheVoid Marksman 2018-03-07 V11.18 6300 975 Kalista theSpearofVengeance Marksman 2014-11-20 V11.22 4800 880 Karma theEnlightenedOne Burst Enchanter 2011-02-01 V11.18 3150 790 Karthus theDeathsinger Battlemage 2009-06-12 V11.21 3150 790 Kassadin theVoidWalker Assassin 2009-08-07 V11.17 3150 790 Katarina theSinisterBlade Assassin 2009-09-19 V11.10 3150 790 Kayle theRighteous Specialist 2009-02-21 V11.15 450 260 Kayn theShadowReaper Skirmisher 2017-07-12 V11.22 6300 975 Kennen theHeartoftheTempest Specialist 2010-04-08 V11.19 4800 880 Kha'Zix theVoidreaver Assassin 2012-09-27 V11.22 4800 880 Kindred,TheEternalHunters Marksman 2015-10-14 V11.21 6300 975 Kled theCantankerousCavalier Skirmisher 2016-08-10 V11.5 6300 975 Kog'Maw theMouthoftheAbyss Marksman 2010-06-24 V11.18 4800 880 LeBlanc theDeceiver Burst 2010-11-02 V11.20 3150 790 LeeSin theBlindMonk Diver 2011-04-01 V11.18 4800 880 Leona theRadiantDawn Vanguard 2011-07-13 V11.17 4800 880 Lillia theBashfulBloom Skirmisher 2020-07-22 V11.18 6300 975 Lissandra theIceWitch Burst 2013-04-30 V11.17 4800 880 Lucian thePurifier Marksman 2013-08-22 V11.22 4800 880 Lulu theFaeSorceress Enchanter 2012-03-20 V11.20 4800 880 Lux theLadyofLuminosity Burst Artillery 2010-10-19 V11.21 3150 790 Malphite,ShardoftheMonolith Vanguard 2009-09-02 V11.12 1350 585 Malzahar theProphetoftheVoid Battlemage 2010-06-01 V11.19 4800 880 Maokai theTwistedTreant Vanguard 2011-02-16 V11.22 4800 880 MasterYi theWujuBladesman Skirmisher 2009-02-21 V11.11 450 260 MissFortune theBountyHunter Marksman 2010-09-08 V11.22 3150 790 Mordekaiser theIronRevenant Juggernaut 2010-02-24 V11.19 1350 585 Morgana theFallen Catcher 2009-02-21 V11.18 1350 585 Nami theTidecaller Enchanter 2012-12-07 V11.17 4800 880 Nasus theCuratoroftheSands Juggernaut 2009-10-01 V11.21 1350 585 Nautilus theTitanoftheDepths Vanguard 2012-02-14 V11.15 4800 880 Neeko theCuriousChameleon Burst Catcher 2018-12-05 V11.20 6300 975 Nidalee theBestialHuntress Specialist 2009-12-17 V11.15 3150 790 Nocturne theEternalNightmare Assassin 2011-03-15 V11.16 4800 880 Nunu&Willump theBoyandHisYeti Vanguard 2009-02-21 V11.17 450 260 Olaf theBerserker Diver 2010-06-09 V11.13 3150 790 Orianna theLadyofClockwork Burst 2011-06-01 V11.8 4800 880 Ornn,TheFirebelowtheMountain Vanguard 2017-08-23 V11.1 6300 975 Pantheon theUnbreakableSpear Diver 2010-02-02 V11.3 3150 790 Poppy,KeeperoftheHammer Warden 2010-01-13 V11.19 450 260 Pyke theBloodharborRipper Assassin Catcher 2018-05-31 V11.11 6300 975 Qiyana,EmpressoftheElements Assassin 2019-06-28 V11.22 6300 975 Quinn,Demacia'sWings Specialist 2013-03-01 V11.21 4800 880 Rakan,TheCharmer Catcher 2017-04-19 V11.8 6300 975 Rammus theArmordillo Vanguard 2009-07-10 V11.13 1350 585 Rek'Sai theVoidBurrower Diver 2014-12-11 V11.17 4800 880 Rell theIronMaiden Vanguard 2020-12-10 V11.15 6300 975 Renekton theButcheroftheSands Diver 2011-01-18 V11.22 4800 880 Rengar thePridestalker Assassin Diver 2012-08-21 V11.20 4800 880 Riven theExile Skirmisher 2011-09-14 V11.22 4800 880 Rumble theMechanizedMenace Battlemage 2011-04-26 V11.18 4800 880 Ryze theRuneMage Battlemage 2009-02-21 V11.19 450 260 Samira theDesertRose Marksman 2020-09-21 V11.18 6300 975 Sejuani,FuryoftheNorth Vanguard 2012-01-17 V11.19 4800 880 Senna theRedeemer Marksman Enchanter 2019-11-10 V11.20 6300 975 Seraphine theStarry-EyedSongstress Burst Enchanter 2020-10-29 V11.19 6300 975 Sett theBoss Juggernaut 2020-01-14 V11.9 6300 975 Shaco theDemonJester Assassin 2009-10-10 V11.17 3150 790 Shen theEyeofTwilight Warden 2010-03-24 V11.20 3150 790 Shyvana theHalf-Dragon Juggernaut 2011-11-01 V11.21 3150 790 Singed theMadChemist Specialist 2009-04-18 V11.21 450 260 Sion,TheUndeadJuggernaut Vanguard 2009-02-21 V11.21 1350 585 Sivir theBattleMistress Marksman 2009-02-21 V11.16 450 260 Skarner theCrystalVanguard Diver 2011-08-09 V11.12 4800 880 Sona,MavenoftheStrings Enchanter 2010-09-21 V11.19 3150 790 Soraka theStarchild Enchanter 2009-02-21 V11.19 450 260 Swain theNoxianGrandGeneral Battlemage 2010-10-05 V11.11 4800 880 Sylas theUnshackled Burst Skirmisher 2019-01-25 V11.20 6300 975 Syndra theDarkSovereign Burst 2012-09-13 V11.21 4800 880 TahmKench,TheRiverKing Warden 2015-07-09 V11.20 6300 975 Taliyah theStoneweaver Battlemage 2016-05-18 V11.20 6300 975 Talon theBlade'sShadow Assassin 2011-08-24 V11.18 4800 880 Taric theShieldofValoran Enchanter Warden 2009-08-19 V11.14 1350 585 Teemo theSwiftScout Specialist 2009-02-21 V11.21 1350 585 Thresh theChainWarden Catcher 2013-01-23 V11.20 4800 880 Tristana theYordleGunner Marksman 2009-02-21 V11.7 1350 585 Trundle theTrollKing Juggernaut 2010-12-01 V11.21 3150 790 Tryndamere theBarbarianKing Skirmisher 2009-05-01 V11.16 1350 585 TwistedFate theCardMaster Burst 2009-02-21 V11.18 1350 585 Twitch thePlagueRat Marksman 2009-05-01 V11.18 3150 790 Udyr theSpiritWalker Juggernaut 2009-12-02 V11.20 1350 585 Urgot theDreadnought Juggernaut 2010-08-24 V11.18 3150 790 Varus theArrowofRetribution Marksman Artillery 2012-05-08 V11.22 4800 880 Vayne theNightHunter Marksman 2011-05-10 V11.22 4800 880 Veigar theTinyMasterofEvil Burst 2009-07-24 V11.10 1350 585 Vel'Koz theEyeoftheVoid Artillery 2014-02-27 V11.1 4800 880 Vi thePiltoverEnforcer Diver 2012-12-19 V11.22 4800 880 Viktor theMachineHerald Battlemage 2011-12-29 V11.20 4800 880 Vladimir theCrimsonReaper Battlemage 2010-07-27 V11.22 3150 790 Volibear theRelentlessStorm Juggernaut 2011-11-29 V11.6 3150 790 Warwick theUncagedWrathofZaun Diver 2009-02-21 V11.21 450 260 Wukong theMonkeyKing Diver 2011-07-26 V11.22 4800 880 Xayah theRebel Marksman 2017-04-19 V11.22 6300 975 Xerath theMagusAscendant Artillery 2011-10-05 V11.22 4800 880 XinZhao theSeneschalofDemacia Diver 2010-07-13 V11.16 1350 585 Yasuo theUnforgiven Skirmisher 2013-12-13 V11.22 4800 880 Yone theUnforgotten Assassin Skirmisher 2020-08-06 V11.18 6300 975 Yorick,ShepherdofSouls Juggernaut 2011-06-22 V11.21 4800 880 Yuumi theMagicalCat Enchanter 2019-05-14 V11.22 6300 975 Zac theSecretWeapon Vanguard 2013-03-29 V11.8 4800 880 Zed theMasterofShadows Assassin 2012-11-13 V11.18 4800 880 Ziggs theHexplosivesExpert Artillery 2012-02-01 V11.16 4800 880 Zilean theChronokeeper Specialist 2009-04-18 V11.14 1350 585 Zoe theAspectofTwilight Burst 2017-11-21 V11.18 6300 975 Zyra,RiseoftheThorns Catcher 2012-07-24 V11.22 4800 880 ListofScrappedChampions[] AoShintheStormDragon Avasha Averdrian CeeCee CyborgCowboy EagleRider GavidthePlantKing IronEngineer IvantheMadBomber Omen PricillatheSpiderQueen RobBlackbladetheDashingRogue References[] 分类:​ Lists Champions 添加分类 取消 保存 Deutsch English Español Français Polski Русский 社区内容除另有注明外,均在CC-BY-SA许可协议下提供。

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