eSUN PLA+ 3D Filament 1.75mm & 2.85mm 3kg Bulk Pack
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eSUN PLA+ filament is superior to all regular PLA, with improved toughness and strength. ... eSUN PLA+ 3D Filament 1.75mm & 2.85mm 3kg Bulk Pack. by ESUN. Skiptocontent Home eSUNPLA+3DFilament1.75mm&2.85mm3kgBulkPack Clicktoexpand Taptozoom eSUNPLA+3DFilament1.75mm&2.85mm3kgBulkPack byESUN Save0% Save% Originalprice $69.95 - Originalprice $69.95 Originalprice $69.95 $69.95 - $69.95 Currentprice $69.95 |/ Chooseavariant 1.75mm/Black-$69.95 1.75mm/White(ColdWhite)-$69.95 1.75mm/White(WarmWhite)-$69.95 1.75mm/Blue-$69.95 1.75mm/Red-$69.95 1.75mm/Yellow-$69.95 1.75mm/Green-$69.95 1.75mm/Orange-$69.95 1.75mm/Silver-$69.95 1.75mm/Grey-$69.95 2.85mm/Black-$69.95 2.85mm/White(ColdWhite)-$69.95 2.85mm/White(WarmWhite)-$69.95 2.85mm/Blue-$69.95 2.85mm/Red-$69.95 2.85mm/Yellow-$69.95 2.85mm/Green-$69.95 2.85mm/Orange-$69.95 2.85mm/Silver-$69.95 2.85mm/Grey-$69.95 Size 1.75mm 2.85mm Color:Black 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+ Quantity Quantity Addtocart eSUNPLA+3DFilamentisthenewoptimizedPLA3Dprintingfilament. WhybuyfilamentsfromCubicTechnology? Wearetheonly officialdistributor ofeSUNinAustralia Fast shipping.Fastshippingtoallcapitalcities. CheckNow Complimentary freestandardshipping forallordersover$149 Earn points and saveupto10% withour RewardsProgram. LearnMore 30dayscredit termforgovernmentandeducationcustomers. LearnMore AdvantagesofeSUN3DFilaments Consistentlyhighquality Madefromgreat,high-performancematerials Readytoprintonanyopensourcedesktoporindustrialprinter Deliverexceptionalperformance eSUNPLA+Filament Theall-newPLA+filamentsare superiortoalloriginalPLAfilaments. KeyBenefits: 100%bio-degradableandFDAfoodsafetyapproved 10timesstrongerthanregularPLAonthemarket Nowire-drawingproblems,thesurfaceoftheprintoutswillbesmootherandmoredelicate Nocrackingproblemandbrittleissue Lowmaterialshrinkagerate,uniformdiameter PrintingSettings: BestPrintingTemperature:200-220℃ BedTemperature:0-70℃ PrintingSpeed:30~90mm/s MovementSpeed:90~150mm/s 3kgSpoolDimensions: SpoolDiameter-270mm SpoolWidth-104mm MountingHoleDiameter-52.5mm CheckthefollowingvideostoseehowgoodeSUNPLA+prints. Sharethis:ShareonFacebookTweetonTwitterShareonLinkedInPinonPinterest Yourecentlyviewed Clearrecentlyviewed Addedtoyourcart: **total_quantity**|**unit_price**/**unit_measure** (-) Cartsubtotal
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