ISO Locale codes - Mozilla

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2 letter language codes are derived from the ISO 639 standard; country codes are from ISO 3166. Here are the codes for the locales currently supported by ... ISOLanguageandCountryCodes 2letterlanguagecodesarederivedfromtheISO639standard;country codesarefromISO3166.Herearethecodesforthelocalescurrentlysupported bytheL10nkits.Ifanentryalsoincludesthecountrycodethenyoumust usethataswellwhencreatingthelocaledirectoryornamingafile. ISOLanguageandCountryCodestable LanguageName LanguageCode CountryCode Chinese(Traditional) zh CN Chinese(Simplified) zh TW Danish da DK Dutch nl NL French fr FR German de DE Italian it IT Japanese ja JP Korean ko KR Portuguese pt BR Spanish es ES Swedish sv SE 1997,CopyrightNetscapeCommunications Corp.AllRightsReserved
