What Are Google Analytics Channels? - Ceralytics
文章推薦指數: 80 %
The channel of “display” would include the mediums of “banners” and “cpm” (cost per [m]thousand, which is used in display advertising.) The ...
- 1Google Analytics Display Traffic Explained | DashThis
Common Default Channel Groupings · Organic Search - This traffic found your site in a search engi...
- 2Understanding Google Analytics Channels - Megalytic
Default Google Analytics Channels · Indicates traffic from online advertising outside of search a...
- 3Google Ads Display Targeting - Analytics Help - Google Support
Display Keywords; Managed Placements; Topics; Interests and Remarketing; Age; Gender. The Google ...
- 4流量來源怎麼看? Google Analytics 客戶開發報表解讀-初始篇 ...
從介紹Google Analytics 流量來源定義開始,一步一步帶領讀者了解客戶開發報表的奧義。 ... Display, utm_medium為「display」或「cpm」或「banner」.
- 5What is display traffic on Google Analytics? - Quora
Display indicates traffic from Google's Display Advertising, such as Google AdWords remarketing c...