相处- Translation into English - examples Chinese | Reverso ...
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Translations in context of "相处" in Chinese-English from Reverso Context: 和睦相处, 相似处, 相似之处. History Favourites Advertising ReversoforWindowsIt'sfree Downloadourfreeapp Advertising Advertising Register Login Chinese
- 1「相處」的英文怎麼說? - 中英物語ChToEn 知道
... 的英文怎麼說?相處的英文是spend time together; hang out with; associate. ... 支持我們免費教中翻英. 中英物語/ 中翻英/ Chines...
- 2get along with? get rid of? get better? 十個不可或缺的get 實用 ...
你跟你的新室友相處得好嗎?他們友善嗎? 3. get away from + 地方離開. My parents are going to the country for a ...
- 3英文裡「合拍」、「相處融洽」怎麼說!? - 空中美語部落格
英文裡「合拍」、「相處融洽」怎麼說!? ... I get along with both my brothers. We have a lot of fun together. 我跟我的兩個兄...
- 4相处(相處) - Collins Chinese-English Dictionary
English Translation of “相处” | The official Collins Chinese-English Dictionary online. Over 100000...
- 5相处- Translation in English - bab.la
Translation for '相处' in the free Chinese-English dictionary and many other English translations.