Used 2018 SUZUKI SWIFT for Sale - BE FORWARD

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ShopByMake TOYOTA(33,461) NISSAN(18,555) HONDA(14,294) MAZDA(6,436) MITSUBISHI(6,957) SUBARU(5,690) SUZUKI(18,179) ISUZU(2,722) DAIHATSU(15,750) HINO(1,345) LEXUS(2,712) MERCEDES-BENZ(7,350) BMW(9,532) VOLKSWAGEN(4,697) AUDI(2,642) PEUGEOT(1,925) FORD(3,197) VOLVO(1,720) LANDROVER(6,374) JAGUAR(869) JEEP(1,773) CHEVROLET(1,856) HYUNDAI(12,569) KIA(11,366) SSANGYONG(812) RENAULTSAMSUNG(266) ShopByPrice Under$500 $500-$1,000 $1,000-$1,500 $1,500-$2,000 $2,000-$2,500 $2,500-$4,000 Over$4,000 ShopByDiscount 70%OfforMore 60%OfforMore 50%OfforMore 40%OfforMore 30%OfforMore 1%-30%Off ShopByType SUV(49,105) Truck(14,123) Pickup(6,168) Van(8,509) Sedan(25,020) Bus(658) MiniVan(17,703) Hatchback(20,279) Coupe(5,358) Convertible(3,098) Wagon(6,715) MiniBus(202) Machinery(32) Forklift(0) Tractor(86) TractorHead(388) Motorcycle(2) OtherCategories LeftHandDrive(41,483) FuelEfficientVehicles(76,752) Hybrid(1,905) Electric(381) Diesel(55,885) Manual(25,752) ForHandicapped(42) VehiclesInStock Japan(137,609) Korea(33,692) Thailand(2,138) UnitedKingdom(16,423) USA(5,624) Singapore(1,558) UAE(1,955) HOME » SUZUKI » MiniVehicle , Hatchback , Sedan , Wagon , SUV » Swift » 2018 Used2018SUZUKISWIFTforSale TOTALPRICECALCULATOR FINALCOUNTRY Zambia D.R.Congo Mozambique Zimbabwe Uganda Tanzania Malawi Burundi Lesotho SouthSudan Botswana Kenya RepublicofSouthAfrica Djibouti Ethiopia Angola Benin Cameroon Gabon Ghana Guinea Madagascar Mali Namibia Nigeria Rwanda SierraLeone Sudan Algeria CanaryIslands CapeVerde CentralAfricanRepublic Chad EquatorialGuinea Eritrea Gambia Liberia Mahe Maldives Mauritania Mayotte Morocco Niger RepublicofGuinea-Bissau RepublicoftheCongo Reunion SaintHelena SaoTomeandPrincipe Seychelles Swaziland Tunisia Afghanistan Albania AmericanSamoa Anguilla AntiguaandBarbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belgium Belize Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Brazil BritishVirginIslands BruneiDarussalam Bulgaria BurkinaFaso Cambodia Canada CaymanIslands Chile Colombia CommonwealthofDominica Comoros CookIslands CostaRica CoteD'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Curacao/NetherlandsAntilles Cyprus Czechrepublic Denmark DominicanRepublic EastTimor Ecuador Egypt Estonia Fiji Finland France FrenchPolynesia Georgia Germany Greece Grenada Guadeloupe Guatemala Guyana Haiti Honduras HongKong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Jordan Kazakhstan Kiribati Korea Kuwait Kyrgyzstan LAOPDR Latvia Lebanon Libya Lithuania Luxembourg Macau Malaysia MarshallIslands Martinique Mauritius Mexico Micronesia MOLDOVA Mongolia Montenegro Montserrat Myanmar Nauru Nepal Netherlands NetherlandsAntilles NewCaledonia NewZealand Niue Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Panama PapuaNewGuinea Paraguay PeoplesRepublicofChina Peru Philippines Poland Portugal PUERTORICO Qatar RepublicofElSalvador RepublicofMacedonia RepublicofNicaragua Romania RussianFederation SabaIsland SaintEustatius SaintKittsAndNevis Samoa SaudiArabia Senegal Serbia Singapore SlovakRepublic SLOVENIA SolomonIslands Somalia Spain SriLanka St.Barthelemy St.Croix St.Lucia St.Maarten St.Thomas St.Vincent Suriname Sweden Switzerland Syria TAIWAN Thailand Togo Tonga Tortola TrinidadAndTobago Turkey Turkmenistan TurksAndCaicosIslands Tuvalu UAE Ukraine UnitedKingdom Uruguay USVIRGINISLANDS USA Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela Vietnam WallisetFutuna Yemen Somaliland DestinationPort/City SINGAPORE INSURANCE YES NO INSPECTION YES NO CERTIFICATE YES NO BFWARRANTY YES NO CALCULATE Reset Doesn'twork? 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NO,KEEP YES,REMOVE Make(all) TOYOTA (33,461) NISSAN (18,555) HONDA (14,294) MITSUBISHI (6,957) SUBARU (5,690) MAZDA (6,436) SUZUKI (18,179) ISUZU (2,722) DAIHATSU (15,750) HINO (1,345) UDTRUCKS (40) LEXUS (2,712) MERCEDES-BENZ (7,350) BMW (9,532) LANDROVER (6,374) ROVER (86) JEEP (1,773) VOLKSWAGEN (4,697) AUDI (2,642) CHEVROLET (1,856) VOLVO (1,720) FORD (3,197) JAGUAR (869) OPEL (9) TESLA (4) HYUNDAI (12,569) KIA (11,366) DAEWOO(Chevrolet) (184) ABARTH (30) Acura (1) AIRMAN (1) ALFAROMEO (364) AMG (11) AstonMartin (8) ATLASCOPCO (1) BAICYinxiang (1) BENTLEY (183) BMWAlpina (33) Buick (35) CADILLAC (212) CASE (9) CAT (2) Caterpillar (6) CHRYSLER (263) CITROEN (250) Daf (145) Dodge (327) FERRARI (84) Fiat (508) Genesis (4) GMC (413) Hitachi (1) HUMMER (48) Infiniti (158) INGERSOLL-RAND (1) ISEKI (1) Iveco (30) Kato (1) Komatsu (2) Lamborghini (108) Lancia (1) Liebherr (6) Lincoln (59) Lotus (6) MAN (80) Maserati (360) MasseyFerguson (38) Maybach (2) MCC (1) Mercury (2) MG (4) Mini (16) 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DBA-Z71S(1) DBA-ZC11S(4) DBA-ZC13S(1) DBA-ZC21S(1) DBA-ZC71S(28) DBA-ZC72S(62) DBA-ZC83S(3) DBA-ZD11S(4) DBA-ZD72S(17) HT51S(2) HT81S(10) TA-HT81S(1) UA-HT51S(1) ZC11S(28) ZC13S(10) ZC21S(5) ZC31S(91) ZC31S-250893(1) ZC32S(149) ZC33S(71) ZC43S(5) ZC53S(20) ZC71S(80) ZC71S-567271(1) ZC72S(185) ZC83S(56) ZD11S(9) ZD21S(1) ZD53S(5) ZD72S(47) ZD83S(8) Fuel(any) CNG Diesel Electric Hybrid(Diesel) Hybrid(Petrol) LPG Other Petrol MinPrice $500 $750 $1,000 $1,500 $2,000 $2,500 $3,000 $3,500 $4,000 $4,500 $5,000 $6,000 $7,000 $8,000 $9,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 ~ MaxPrice $500 $750 $1,000 $1,500 $2,000 $2,500 $3,000 $3,500 $4,000 $4,500 $5,000 $6,000 $7,000 $8,000 $9,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 Bodytype(all)Sedan Hatchback SUV MiniVan Van Truck Wagon Coupe MiniVehicle Bus MiniBus Pickup Convertible Motorcycle Tractor Machinery Unspecified Steering(any) Right Left Transmission(any) Automatic CVT DCT Manual SemiAutomatic SportAT Unspecified MinYear 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Mon. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ~ MaxYear 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Mon. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 MinMileage 50,000km 80,000km 100,000km 150,000km 200,000km 300,000km ~ MaxMileage 50,000km 80,000km 100,000km 150,000km 200,000km 300,000km 700cc 1000cc 1500cc 1800cc 2000cc 2500cc 3000cc 4000cc ~ 700cc 1000cc 1500cc 1800cc 2000cc 2500cc 3000cc 4000cc SHOWMOREOPTIONS HIDEMOREOPTIONS Drivetrain(any) 2wheeldrive 4wheeldrive Allwheeldrive Color(Any) Beige Black Blue Bronze Brown Gold Gray Green Maroon Orange Other Pearl Pink Purple Red Silver White Yellow StockCountry(any) JAPAN KOREA THAILAND UNITEDKINGDOM FRANCE USA TANZANIA NETHERLANDS SINGAPORE UAE GEORGIA GERMANY PEOPLESREPUBLICOFCHINA StockLocation(any) HOKKAIDO YOKOHAMA NIIGATA IWATE TOYAMA SHIZUOKA NAGOYA KYOTO FUKUI OSAKA KOBE SHIMANE KYUSHU KOREA CHINA BUSANMASAN UNITEDKINGDOM U.S.A France Germany Georgia Netherlands Tanzania Zambia Malaysia Singapore Dubai Thailand OVERSEASTOCK ~ MinLoadCap 1.00ton 1.25ton 1.50ton 1.75ton 2.00ton 2.50ton 3.00ton 3.50ton 4.00ton 4.50ton 5.00ton 6.00ton 7.00ton 8.00ton 9.00ton 10.00ton ~ MaxLoadCap 1.00ton 1.25ton 1.50ton 1.75ton 2.00ton 2.50ton 3.00ton 3.50ton 4.00ton 4.50ton 5.00ton 6.00ton 7.00ton 8.00ton 9.00ton 10.00ton SubBodytype(all) AerialPlatform AerialPlatform AsphaltFinisher Boat CarCarrier Cargo CargoTruck Carrier ConcretePumpingTruck Crane Dozer Dump Excuvator Flatbody Forklift GarbageTruck HookLift Mixer Other Other RefrigeratedVan Roller SeflLoader/SaftyLoader Tanker TopTruck TractorHead Trailer/TrailerSet VaccumTruck Van Van WheelLoader Wing Wrecker CDPlayer SunRoof LeatherSeat AlloyWheels PowerSteering PowerWindow A/C ABS Airbag Radio CDChanger DVD TV PowerSeat BackTire GrillGuard RearSpoiler CentralLocking Jack SpareTire WheelSpanner FogLights BackCamera PushStart KeylessEntry ESC 360DegreeCamera BodyKit SideAirbag PowerMirror SideSkirts FrontLipSpoiler Navigation Turbo NonSmoker OneOwner 47 itemsmatchthecriteria Search orRESET Viewvehiclesshippingfrom: All Japan Singapore UK UAE Thailand Korea USA Itemsperpage:  Select 25 50 75 100 Sortby: Select PriceLowtoHigh PriceHightoLow Discount%HightoLow Discount%LowtoHigh YearNewtoOld YearOldtoNew RefNewtoOld RefOldtoNew EngineHightoLow EngineLowtoHigh MileageHightoLow MileageLowtoHigh NewArrivals LocationEasttoWest LocationWesttoEast RecentlyDiscounted Recommendforyou RefNo.BM251933 2018SUZUKISWIFT $10,690 Highquality Mileage 44,698km Year 2018/6 Engine 1,200cc Trans. MT Location Nagoya RefNo.BM443157 2018SUZUKISWIFT $15,660 Highquality Mileage 28,248km Year 2018/7 Engine 1,400cc Trans. AT Location Yokohama RefNo.BM353078 2018SUZUKISWIFT $9,290 Highquality Mileage 104,360km Year 2018/1 Engine 1,400cc Trans. AT Location Nagoya RefNo.BM358057 2018SUZUKISWIFT $16,540 Highquality Mileage 26,154km Year 2018/9 Engine 1,400cc Trans. MT Location Yokohama RefNo.BM476607 2018SUZUKISWIFT $9,460 Highquality Mileage 25,344km Year 2018/5 Engine 1,200cc Trans. CVT Location Yokohama RefNo.BM315127 2018SUZUKISWIFT $16,050 Highquality Mileage 29,000km Year 2018/7 Engine 1,400cc Trans. MT Location Kobe STOCKLIST QUOTATIONBOARD RefNo.BM485874 2018SUZUKISWIFT Mileage 40,286km Year 2018/9 Engine 1,400cc Trans. MT Location Kobe Modelcode ZC33S Steering Right Fuel Petrol Seats 5 Enginecode - Color Gray Drive 2WD Doors 5 PowerSteering A/C Airbag TV PowerWindow ABS Price $12,320 TotalPrice $13,542 CIF to Singapore Inquiry RefNo.BM476607 2018SUZUKISWIFT Mileage 25,344km Year 2018/5 Engine 1,200cc Trans. CVT Location Yokohama Modelcode ZC53S Steering Right Fuel Hybrid(Petrol) Seats 5 Enginecode - Color Brown Drive 2WD Doors 5 Airbag KeylessEntry AlloyWheels DVD ABS Price $9,460 TotalPrice $10,538 CIF to Singapore Inquiry RefNo.BM446056 2018SUZUKISWIFT Mileage 22,442km Year 2018/2 Engine 1,400cc Trans. MT Location Hokkaido Modelcode ZC33S Steering Right Fuel Petrol Seats 5 Enginecode - Color Silver Drive 2WD Doors 5 PowerSteering A/C Airbag AlloyWheels TV PowerWindow ABS Price $13,260 TotalPrice $14,482 CIF to Singapore Inquiry RefNo.BM443157 2018SUZUKISWIFT Mileage 28,248km Year 2018/7 Engine 1,400cc Trans. AT Location Yokohama Modelcode ZC33S Steering Right Fuel Petrol Seats 5 Enginecode - Color Black Drive 2WD Doors 5 Airbag KeylessEntry BackCamera AlloyWheels DVD ABS Price $15,660 TotalPrice $16,738 CIF to Singapore Inquiry RefNo.BM438848 2018SUZUKISWIFT Mileage 7,200km Year 2018/4 Engine 1,400cc Trans. MT Location Yokohama Modelcode ZC33S Steering Right Fuel Petrol Seats 5 Enginecode - Color Yellow Drive 2WD Doors 5 Airbag KeylessEntry AlloyWheels ABS Price $15,310 TotalPrice $16,388 CIF to Singapore Inquiry RefNo.BM437948 2018SUZUKISWIFT 1.4 Mileage 32,060km Year 2018/1 Engine 1,400cc Trans. MT Location Hokkaido Modelcode ZC33S Steering Right Fuel Petrol Seats 5 Enginecode - Color Yellow Drive 2WD Doors 5 PowerSteering A/C Airbag AlloyWheels TV PowerWindow ABS Price $12,800 TotalPrice $14,022 CIF to Singapore Inquiry RefNo.BM433759 2018SUZUKISWIFT Mileage 34,000km Year 2018/2 Engine 1,200cc Trans. AT Location Nagoya Modelcode ZC43S Steering Right Fuel Hybrid(Petrol) Seats 5 Enginecode - Color Silver Drive 2WD Doors 5 Airbag KeylessEntry AlloyWheels ABS Price $10,860 TotalPrice $11,895 CIF to Singapore Inquiry RefNo.BM269270 2018SUZUKISWIFT Mileage 40,100km Year 2018/3 Engine 1,400cc Trans. MT Location Yokohama Modelcode ZC33S Steering Right Fuel Petrol Seats 5 Enginecode - Color Pearl Drive - Doors 5 PowerSteering A/C Airbag AlloyWheels TV PowerWindow ABS Price $12,330 TotalPrice $13,408 CIF to Singapore Inquiry RefNo.BM421284 2018SUZUKISWIFT Mileage 43,242km Year 2018/2 Engine 1,400cc Trans. MT Location Toyama Modelcode ZC33S Steering Right Fuel Petrol Seats 5 Enginecode - Color Pearl Drive 2WD Doors 5 Airbag KeylessEntry BackCamera AlloyWheels DVD ABS Price $14,110 TotalPrice $15,490 CIF to Singapore Inquiry RefNo.BM418044 2018SUZUKISWIFT Mileage 25,582km Year 2018/1 Engine 1,200cc Trans. CVT Location Yokohama Modelcode ZD53S Steering Right Fuel Hybrid(Petrol) Seats 5 Enginecode - Color Blue Drive 4WD Doors 5 Airbag KeylessEntry BackCamera AlloyWheels ABS Price $11,750 TotalPrice $12,785 CIF to Singapore Inquiry RefNo.BM415944 2018SUZUKISWIFT Mileage 32,400km Year 2018/4 Engine 1,400cc Trans. MT Location Yokohama Modelcode ZC33S Steering Right Fuel Petrol Seats 5 Enginecode - Color Gray Drive 2WD Doors 5 Airbag KeylessEntry AlloyWheels DVD ABS Price $12,100 TotalPrice $13,178 CIF to Singapore Inquiry RefNo.BM411092 2018SUZUKISWIFT Mileage 6,803km Year 2018/1 Engine 1,400cc Trans. AT Location Yokohama Modelcode ZC33S Steering Right Fuel Petrol Seats 5 Enginecode - Color Silver Drive 2WD Doors 5 PowerSteering A/C Airbag AlloyWheels TV SunRoof PowerWindow ABS Price $13,180 TotalPrice $14,332 CIF to Singapore Inquiry RefNo.BM397469 2018SUZUKISWIFT SPORTS Mileage 31,655km Year 2018/4 Engine 1,400cc Trans. AT Location Kobe Modelcode CBA-ZC33S Steering Right Fuel Petrol Seats 5 Enginecode - Color Silver Drive 2WD Doors 5 PowerSteering A/C Airbag AlloyWheels PowerWindow ABS Price $12,910 TotalPrice $14,132 CIF to Singapore Inquiry RefNo.BM395692 2018SUZUKISWIFT Mileage 40,350km Year 2018/5 Engine 1,400cc Trans. AT Location Niigata Modelcode ZC33S Steering Right Fuel Petrol Seats 5 Enginecode - Color Blue Drive 2WD Doors 5 Airbag KeylessEntry AlloyWheels DVD ABS Price $14,360 TotalPrice $15,395 CIF to Singapore Inquiry RefNo.BM393316 2018SUZUKISWIFT Mileage 25,700km Year 2018/4 Engine 1,400cc Trans. AT Location Kobe Modelcode ZC33S Steering Right Fuel Petrol Seats 5 Enginecode - Color Yellow Drive 2WD Doors 5 Airbag KeylessEntry AlloyWheels ABS Price $12,780 TotalPrice $13,928 CIF to Singapore Inquiry RefNo.BM372394 2018SUZUKISWIFT 1.2RS Mileage 12,722km Year 2018/7 Engine 1,200cc Trans. CVT Location Osaka Modelcode ZC53S Steering Right Fuel Hybrid(Petrol) Seats 5 Enginecode - Color Pearl Drive 2WD Doors 5 PowerSteering A/C Airbag AlloyWheels PowerWindow ABS Price $11,710 TotalPrice $12,745 CIF to Singapore Inquiry RefNo.BM365099 2018SUZUKISWIFT Mileage 44,702km Year 2018/8 Engine 1,400cc Trans. MT Location Nagoya Modelcode ZC33S Steering Right Fuel Petrol Seats 5 Enginecode - Color Blue Drive 2WD Doors 5 Airbag KeylessEntry BackCamera AlloyWheels DVD ABS Price $13,790 TotalPrice $14,825 CIF to Singapore Inquiry RefNo.BM358057 2018SUZUKISWIFT Mileage 26,154km Year 2018/9 Engine 1,400cc Trans. MT Location Yokohama Modelcode ZC33S Steering Right Fuel Petrol Seats 5 Enginecode - Color Silver Drive 2WD Doors 5 Airbag KeylessEntry BackCamera AlloyWheels DVD ABS Price $16,540 TotalPrice $17,618 CIF to Singapore Inquiry RefNo.BM358034 2018SUZUKISWIFT Mileage 4,550km Year 2018/4 Engine 1,400cc Trans. MT Location Yokohama Modelcode ZC33S Steering Right Fuel Petrol Seats 5 Enginecode - Color Black Drive 2WD Doors 5 Airbag KeylessEntry AlloyWheels ABS Price $12,580 TotalPrice $13,615 CIF to Singapore Inquiry RefNo.BM353078 2018SUZUKISWIFT Mileage 104,360km Year 2018/1 Engine 1,400cc Trans. AT Location Nagoya Modelcode ZC33S Steering Right Fuel Petrol Seats 5 Enginecode - Color Pearl Drive 2WD Doors 5 Airbag KeylessEntry BackCamera AlloyWheels DVD ABS Price $9,290 TotalPrice $10,325 CIF to Singapore Inquiry RefNo.BM315127 2018SUZUKISWIFT Mileage 29,000km Year 2018/7 Engine 1,400cc Trans. MT Location Kobe Modelcode ZC33S Steering Right Fuel Petrol Seats 5 Enginecode - Color Pearl Drive 2WD Doors 5 Airbag KeylessEntry AlloyWheels DVD ABS Price $16,050 TotalPrice $17,198 CIF to Singapore Inquiry RefNo.BM282317 2018SUZUKISWIFT Mileage 24,281km Year 2018/12 Engine 1,200cc Trans. CVT Location Kobe Modelcode DAA-ZC53S Steering Right Fuel Hybrid(Petrol) Seats 5 Enginecode - Color Black Drive 2WD Doors 5 PowerSteering A/C Airbag AlloyWheels CDPlayer andmore… Price $10,700 TotalPrice $11,848 CIF to Singapore Inquiry RefNo.BM267518 2018SUZUKISWIFT Mileage 34,146km Year 2018/9 Engine 1,400cc Trans. MT Location Yokohama Modelcode ZC33S Steering Right Fuel Petrol Seats 5 Enginecode - Color Pearl Drive 2WD Doors 5 Airbag KeylessEntry AlloyWheels DVD ABS Price $14,880 TotalPrice $15,915 CIF to Singapore Inquiry RefNo.BM266967 2018SUZUKISWIFT Mileage 27,416km Year 2018/6 Engine 1,400cc Trans. AT Location Yokohama Modelcode ZC33S Steering Right Fuel Petrol Seats 5 Enginecode - Color Silver Drive 2WD Doors 5 Airbag KeylessEntry BackCamera AlloyWheels DVD ABS Price $13,560 TotalPrice $14,638 CIF to Singapore Inquiry RefNo.BM251933 2018SUZUKISWIFT Mileage 44,698km Year 2018/6 Engine 1,200cc Trans. MT Location Nagoya Modelcode ZC83S Steering Right Fuel Petrol Seats 5 Enginecode - Color Black Drive 2WD Doors 5 Airbag KeylessEntry AlloyWheels DVD ABS Price $10,690 TotalPrice $11,725 CIF to Singapore Inquiry 1 2 NextPage Itemsperpage:  Select 25 50 75 100 Currentsearch: SUZUKI Swift 2018~2018 SUZUKI Swift 2018~2018 hide SAVESEARCH INQUIRY(FREEQUOTE) Thankyou!Yourinquirywassubmitted Youwillreceiveanemailshortlywiththepricequote.Ifyouhavemorequestions,pleasereplytotheemailsowecanassistyou. LIMITEDTIMEOFFER OFF OrderthisvehicleWithin1HourandGetdiscount! Timeleft: m s Currenttotal 0 BuyNowdiscount -0 BuyNowprice 0 Note:Paymentmustbemadewithin24hours(excludingSaturdayandSunday) TryfastestwaytoPurchasethisvehicle! NowyoucanreservethisvehicleandinstantlydownloadaProformaInvoicesoyoucanproceedwithpayment. BuyNow Loginisrequired Signuptoreceiveexclusivediscountcoupons! Youcanalsoviewyourfavoritecarsandreceivenotificationsonreducedprices. SIGNUP Alreadyhaveanaccount? Login Close Loginisrequiredtouse"Notifyme"feature. Pleaseloginorsignup. Added.Youwillbenotifiedwhenthevehiclebecomesavailable. ThevehiclehasbeenaddedtoFavorites. ThevehiclehasbeenremovedfromFavorites. SUZUKISWIFT'SMOSTPOPULARYEARVARIATIONS: 2022SUZUKISwift 2021SUZUKISwift 2020SUZUKISwift 2019SUZUKISwift 2017SUZUKISwift 2016SUZUKISwift 2015SUZUKISwift 2014SUZUKISwift 2013SUZUKISwift 2012SUZUKISwift 2011SUZUKISwift 2010SUZUKISwift SUZUKI'SMOSTPOPULARMODELS: SUZUKIAerio SUZUKIAlto SUZUKICarryTruck SUZUKIEscudo SUZUKIEvery SUZUKIEveryLandy SUZUKIGrandEscudo SUZUKIJimny SUZUKIJimnySierra SUZUKIJimnyWide SUZUKIKei SUZUKILandy SUZUKILapin SUZUKISolio SUZUKISwift SUZUKISX4 SUZUKISX4Sedan SUZUKIWagonR SUZUKIWagonRPlus SUZUKIWagonRSolio SUZUKI'SMOSTPOPULARTYPES: SUZUKIMiniVehicle SUZUKIHatchback SUZUKITruck SUZUKISUV SUZUKIVan SUZUKIMiniVan SUZUKIWagon SUZUKIConvertible SUZUKISedan SUZUKICoupe SUZUKIPickup SUZUKI Swift reviewsandratings SUZUKI Swift rating 4.7 Reviewcount 96 2018SUZUKISWIFT TheSuzukiSwifthaswonnumerousawardsincludingthe2006AnnualRJCCaroftheYearand,perhapsmoreinterestingly,TheMostFunCartoDriveinJapan.ThiscomesasnosurprisesincetheSwiftfeaturesexceptionalhandlingandperformance.Ofcourse,italsoachievesexcellentfueleconomyandhasalowcostofownership.TheSwiftisasuperminiforthosewholovetodrive.Itisequippedwithanin-line4-cylinderDOHCVVTenginewith1.3L(91horsepower)and1.5L(110horsepower)and1.6Lsportsunit(125horsepower).Asforthetransmission,youcanalsochoosebetweenasportytype4speedATorashortstroke5-speedmanual.MostgradesoftheSwiftincludeMD/CDplayers,realleather-wrappedsteeringwheels,and15inchaluminumwheels.Thecargoroomisa6:4splittumblefoldingdesignthatcreatesaflatluggageroomwhenyoulowerthebackrestoftherearseatandlifttheseat.Dualairbagsandsafetyequipmentsuchas4wheelsABSwithEBD(electroniccontrolbrakingforcedistributionsystem)thatoptimallydistributesbrakingforcesoffrontandrearwheels,andbrakeassistaresetasstandard.SomemodelsoftheSwift(normallyfrom2005onwards)alsoofferasecurityalarmsystemthatwarnswithahazardlampandahornifthedoorisopenedbybreakingawindowaswellasanimmobilizerthatpreventsvehicletheftbyillegalduplicationkeys. 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