Average typing speed infographic — Ratatype
文章推薦指數: 80 %
The average wpm speed is only 41.4 words in one minute. This is far below the speeds of the record holders, or even the speeds that are needed to be successful ... Reportaproblem Averagetypingspeedinfographic Whatistheaveragetypingspeedonthekeyboard?Whoty
- 1What is the average typing speed, average words per minute?
On average we can say 50 – 60 WPM is a good speed. According to a survey done by Microsoft Corpor...
- 2What WPM Is Considered A Slow and Fast Typing ... - Typesy
The average typing speed is about 41 WPM, with an accuracy rate of 92%. There is nothing wrong wi...
- 3Average typing speed infographic — Ratatype
The average wpm speed is only 41.4 words in one minute. This is far below the speeds of the recor...
- 4Words per minute - Wikipedia
An average professional typist types usually in speeds of 43 to 80 wpm, while some positions can ...
- 5How to Double or Triple Your Typing Speed. Take Our Typing ...
The average typing speed is 41.4 words per minute, and the world record is 212 words per minute i...